QUERY_VOLUME is a subrequest of the SYNC_VOLUMES message request (see section This type requests that the DLT Central Manager server provide the VolumeSequenceNumber for a given VolumeID.

For the QUERY_VOLUME subrequest, fields in the TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME structure have the following meaning:

  • volume: Specifies the VolumeID for which the corresponding VolumeSequenceNumber is requested.

If the ServerVolumeTable contains no entry whose VolumeID is equal to the volume field from the TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME structure, then the server MUST set the hr field of the TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME structure to a value indicating failure.

Otherwise, the server MUST update the TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME structure as follows:

  • The server MUST set the seq field with the value of the VolumeSequenceNumber from the volume's entry in the ServerVolumeTable.

  • The server MUST set the hr field to zero.

  • The server MAY set the ftLastRefresh field structure with the value of the RefreshTime from the volume's entry in the ServerVolumeTable.<8>