The DFS_INFO_STRUCT union relates to the NetrDfsGetInfo, NetrDfsSetInfo, and NetrDfsSetInfo2 methods when used to retrieve or set the configuration of the DFS server. The usage model of this union is for the client to specify a Level parameter to determine which case of the DFS_INFO_STRUCT to use.

The DFS_INFO_STRUCT union has the following format.

 [switch_type(unsigned long)] 
     DFS_INFO_1* DfsInfo1;
     DFS_INFO_2* DfsInfo2;
     DFS_INFO_3* DfsInfo3;
     DFS_INFO_4* DfsInfo4;
     DFS_INFO_5* DfsInfo5;
     DFS_INFO_6* DfsInfo6;
     DFS_INFO_7* DfsInfo7;
     DFS_INFO_8* DfsInfo8;
     DFS_INFO_9* DfsInfo9;
     DFS_INFO_50* DfsInfo50;
     DFS_INFO_100* DfsInfo100;
     DFS_INFO_101* DfsInfo101;
     DFS_INFO_102* DfsInfo102;
     DFS_INFO_103* DfsInfo103;
     DFS_INFO_104* DfsInfo104;
     DFS_INFO_105* DfsInfo105;
     DFS_INFO_106* DfsInfo106;
     DFS_INFO_107* DfsInfo107;
     DFS_INFO_150* DfsInfo150;
   [default]     ;

DfsInfo1: The DFS_INFO_1 structure contains the name of a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on the specifications, see section

DfsInfo2: The DFS_INFO_2 structure contains information for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo3: The DFS_INFO_3 structure contains information for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo4: The DFS_INFO_4 structure contains information for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo5: The DFS_INFO_5 structure contains information for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo6: The DFS_INFO_6 structure contains information for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo7: The DFS_INFO_7 structure contains information about a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo8: The DFS_INFO_8 structure contains information about a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo9: The DFS_INFO_9 structure contains information about a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo50: The DFS_INFO_50 structure contains information about a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo100: The DFS_INFO_100 structure contains a comment associated with a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo101: The DFS_INFO_101 structure describes the storage state on a DFS root, DFS link, DFS root target, or DFS link target. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo102: The DFS_INFO_102 structure contains a time-out value for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo103: The DFS_INFO_103 structure contains properties that set specific behaviors for a DFS root or DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo104: The DFS_INFO_104 structure contains the priority of a DFS root target or DFS link target. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo105: The DFS_INFO_105 structure contains information about a DFS root or DFS link, including comment, state, time-out, and DFS behaviors that property flags specify. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo106: The DFS_INFO_106 structure contains the storage state and priority for a DFS root target or DFS link target. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo107: The DFS_INFO_107 structure contains the storage state and priority for a DFS root target or DFS link target. For more information on specifications, see section

DfsInfo150: The DFS_INFO_150 structure contains the self-relative security descriptor associated with the DFS link. For more information on specifications, see section