次の方法で共有 Software Restriction Policy

Software restriction policy is an ORB facility that enables a numerical trust level to be assigned to components. The trust level represents the degree of trust that is associated with a component and is used in an ORB-specific manner to control instantiation of components. If the target ORB provides a configurable software restriction policy, the server SHOULD expose the supported set of trust levels to clients via the ICatalogUtils::EnumerateSRPLevels method (as specified in section, and the following SHOULD be used to configure this facility:

  • The SRPLevel property of the ComponentLegacyConfigurations table, as specified in section

  • The SRPLevel and SRPEnabled properties of the Conglomerations table, as specified in section

  • The SaferActivateAsActivatorChecks and SaferRunningObjectChecks properties of the MachineSettings table, as specified in section