次の方法で共有 ApiGetClusterVersion2 (Opnum 102)

(Protocol Version 2) The ApiGetClusterVersion2 method retrieves version information about the cluster and the server to which the client is connected. Note that the version of the cluster and the version of the server can differ from the version of the ClusAPI Protocol.

The server SHOULD<63> accept an ApiGetClusterVersion2 request if its protocol server state is read-only, and the server MUST accept the request for processing if it is in the read/write state, as specified in section 3.1.1.

 error_status_t ApiGetClusterVersion2(
   [out] WORD* lpwMajorVersion,
   [out] WORD* lpwMinorVersion,
   [out] WORD* lpwBuildNumber,
   [out, string] wchar_t * *lpszVendorId,
   [out, string] wchar_t * *lpszCSDVersion,

lpwMajorVersion: Identifies the major version number of the protocol server software. After successful completion of this method, a server SHOULD<64> set this parameter to 0x0005. If the method fails, this parameter MUST be ignored.

lpwMinorVersion: Identifies the minor version number of the protocol server software. After successful completion of this method, a server SHOULD<65> set this parameter to 0x0002. If the method fails, this parameter MUST be ignored.

lpwBuildNumber: Identifies the build number of the protocol server software. After successful completion of this method, a server SHOULD<66> set this parameter to 0x0ECE. If the method fails, this parameter MUST be ignored.

lpszVendorId: Identifies the vendor product ID name of the protocol server software. After successful completion of this method, the server MUST set this parameter either to a null-terminated Unicode string that identifies the vendor product or to an empty Unicode string.<67> The server MUST allocate sufficient memory to store this string, including null-termination. If the method fails, this parameter MUST be ignored.

lpszCSDVersion: Identifies the latest operating system service pack that is installed on the server. After successful completion of this method, the server MUST set this parameter to either a null-terminated Unicode string identifying an operating system service pack that is installed (if any),<68> or a null-terminated Unicode empty string. If the method fails, this parameter MUST be ignored.

ppClusterOpVerInfo: Identifies the operational version of the cluster, as specified in section, of which the server is an active node. After successful completion of this method, the server MUST allocate sufficient memory to return a CLUSTER_OPERATIONAL_VERSION_INFO structure and set the ppClusterOpVerInfo to point to the allocated buffer. If the method fails, this parameter MUST be ignored.

Return Values: Upon successful completion of this method, the server MUST return 0x00000000 (ERROR_SUCCESS).

Return value/code





For any other condition, the server MUST return a value that is not one of the values listed in the preceding table. The client MUST behave in one consistent, identical manner for all values that are not listed in the preceding table, except as specified in section