次の方法で共有 ApiNodeClusterControl (Opnum 105)

(Protocol Version 2) The ApiNodeClusterControl method SHOULD<71> instruct the server to initiate, on the specified cluster, an operation that is defined by the specified control code. If necessary, the operation is forwarded to and executed on the specified node.

The semantic behavior as well as all the parameters, with the exception of hHostNode, are identical to those of the ApiClusterControl method. All return values are identical to those specified in ApiClusterControl.

 error_status_t ApiNodeClusterControl(
   [in] HCLUSTER_RPC hCluster,
   [in] HNODE_RPC hHostNode,
   [in] DWORD dwControlCode,
   [in, unique, size_is(nInBufferSize)] UCHAR *lpInBuffer,
   [in] DWORD nInBufferSize,
   [out, size_is(nOutBufferSize), 
     length_is (*lpBytesReturned)] UCHAR *lpOutBuffer,
   [in] DWORD nOutBufferSize,
   [out] DWORD *lpBytesReturned,
   [out] DWORD *lpcbRequired

hHostNode: An HNODE_RPC context handle that is obtained in a previous ApiOpenNode method call.