

このトピックでは、プログラムによって予定を作成し、さまざまなプロパティを設定し、CreateAppt予定を送信して会議を要求する、Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) プロシージャを示します。 CreateAppt uses the CreateItem method to create an AppointmentItem object. It sets the MeetingStatus property of the AppointmentItem to olMeeting to indicate the appointment as a meeting request, and sets a required attendee, an optional attendee, and a meeting location as a resource. The example then displays and sends the appointment item.

Sub CreateAppt() 
 Dim myItem As Object 
 Dim myRequiredAttendee, myOptionalAttendee, myResourceAttendee As Outlook.Recipient 
 Set myItem = Application.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) 
 myItem.MeetingStatus = olMeeting 
 myItem.Subject = "Strategy Meeting" 
 myItem.Location = "Conf Rm All Stars" 
 myItem.Start = #9/24/2009 1:30:00 PM# 
 myItem.Duration = 90 
 Set myRequiredAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Nate Sun") 
 myRequiredAttendee.Type = olRequired 
 Set myOptionalAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Kevin Kennedy") 
 myOptionalAttendee.Type = olOptional 
 Set myResourceAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Conf Rm All Stars") 
 myResourceAttendee.Type = olResource 
End Sub


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