
Recruiter System Connect - Development Tools

Kindly use the resources in the development tools to help expedite your development process. If you have any questions, you can reach out to us by raising a support ticket.

We provide below resources:

  1. Project Plan describes different stages of Recruiter System Connect development and estimated timeline to help create project plans for Recruiter System Connect integration
  2. Postman Collection contains all the APIs required for Recruiter System Connect integration. Development teams can use te Postman collection for reference while developing their code. It is fully functional and covers all the APIs so that it can be used as a playground to understand them in detail and try them out before starting any development activities
  3. Sample Applications provides an end to end flow concerning the Customer OnBoarding & Profile plugin. It can also be used as a playground to try the widgets out before embedding it on your website

Project Plan

Recruiter System Connect Integration involves significant development and testing efforts. To help Project Managers and Developers with the planning, timelines and to help create checkpoints on different activities, we have created a Project Plan mentioned below.

The entire integration activity is split into different Milestones. To make planning and execution easier for developers, we have further divided the Development Milestone by logically grouping all the integration APIs into 5 Modules.

Same Module structure is reflected in the API & Plugin Guide documentation & Postman Collection as well.

Below are the milestones definitions for Recruiter System Integration Project Plan

Milestone Description
Self-Serve access provided by LinkedIn 1. Request Access
2. LinkedIn partnership contact will allowlist your application for Recruiter System Connect integration.
3. LinkedIn will also create and provide necessary development artifacts for you to proceed further with development.
Program Overview 1. Partner developers and project managers should go through Recruiter System Connect Documentation and set up & discuss timelines with the LinkedIn Business Development team to start development.
2. They should also use this time to get any questions & doubts resolved from LinkedIn Business Development & Partner Engineering team.
Module 1 : Development, Testing & Certification 1. Develop functionality to Configure Customer Applications and ATS Integrations(This Module is not applicable for Customers)
2. Testing
3. Module 1 Certification (Prerequisite: Certification Overview)
Module 2 : Development, Testing & Certification 1. Develop functionality to Sync Data from ATS to LinkedIn (like Candidate, Jobs, Candidate Notes, Job Application, Application Notes, Interview Feedback & Job Application Stages).
2. Testing
3. Module 2 Certification (Prerequisite: Certification Overview)
Module 3 : Development, Testing & Certification 1. Develop functionality to Retrieve Data from LinkedIn
2. Testing
3. Module 3 Certification (Prerequisite: Certification Overview)
Module 4 : Development, Testing & Certification 1. Develop functionality to Sync ACLs
3. Module 4 Certification (Prerequisite: Certification Overview)
Module 5 : Development, Testing & Certification 1. Develop functionality for Data Deletion
3. Module 5 Certification (Prerequisite: Certification Overview)
Final Certification Review & Approval 1. LinkedIn Business Development Team will review all the certification videos submitted and provide feedback for corrections if any.
2. Once, there are no more corrections & integration looks compliant and correctly implemented, the partner or customer will be certified by LinkedIn and necessary privileges will be given to the production application.
Public Relations Finalization of the marketing materials to be sent to customers, PR announcement and website collateral confirmed.
Customer Marketing Customer notifications and announcements go public.

Postman Collection

You can use the Postman collection for Recruiter System Connect APIs and try out all APIs for different use cases. Postman is a free-to-download tool for making HTTP requests.


Please note that Postman is an independent entity and is not affiliated with LinkedIn. LinkedIn is providing the following resources to support your use of the Postman services but ultimately, any use of third party services, such as the Postman Services, is at your own discretion and risk.
LinkedIn does not endorse or vet the Postman services and is not responsible for any damage or loss of data resulting from your use of third party services. Nothing herein shall restrict LinkedIn's ability to enforce all of its rights under its agreements with you.

The easiest way to get started using the Recruiter System Connect APIs is to use our Postman collections. We have posted our APIs in LinkedIn's Postman workspace. If you prefer, you can explore our API with other tools like curl.

Explore Postman Collection

The below button will take you to LinkedIn's Postman's workspace. Select the workspace with name LinkedIn Talent Solutions. You will find the Recruiter System Connect API collection in it.

Try in Postman

Sample HTML Applications for Recruiter System Connect

We have created a sample application for your development reference. This sample application demonstrates how the Customer OnBoarding plugin & Profile plugin of Recruiter System Connect will look like.

This will be present in the sample-applications folder in the GIT repository.

Please read the instructions mentioned in README.md file for instructions on how to use the Sample Applications.