
Retrieve Recruiter Contract Seatholders

A LinkedIn Recruiter seat contains a LinkedIn user who is licensed for specific roles within LinkedIn Recruiter. To utilize the Recruiter Prospect Interaction APIs, you will need the Recruiter Contract seatholder details in order to properly attribute the InMails and Prospect Notes to the end users in your application.

All API requests require authorization . Additionally, API requests return paged results; details on paging through results can be found here.


Person URN should be used to match the ATS user to Recruiter seatholders. The ID returned in this call refers to the Seat ID, which is referenced in the other Recruiter Prospect Interaction API calls as a Seat URN (e.g. urn:li:seat:123456789).


  • When retrieve seatholders for a contract, to ensure you get the expected result, pagination parameter(start=0&count=10) should be passed into seatsV2 API call.
  • Without pagination parameter, API only returns ten records as default.



The SeatsV2 requires usage of pagination. Requests that do not specify the start parameter will fail

Retrieve seatholders for a contract:

GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/seatsV2?q=attributes

Query parameters

Field Description Format Required Notes
contracts The Recruiter contract ID(s) Contract URN in format urn:li:contract:{id} Yes Find seatholders associated with specific contract(s). Multiple allowed
states Represents the state of a seatholder. Supported states: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, INVITED, PARKED Enum No Find seatholders by seat state. Recommended to filter state by ACTIVE

Sample Request

GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/seatsV2?q=attributes&contracts=urn:li:contract:123456789&start=0&count=5

Sample Response

    "elements": [
            "firstName": "testFirst1",
            "lastName": "testLast1",
            "contract": "urn:li:contract:123456789",
            "member": "urn:li:person:a1b2c3d4",
            "state": "ACTIVE",
            "seatRoles": [
            "id": 142636035,
            "email": "test1@linkedin.com",
            "created": {
                "time": 1490641864000
            "firstName": "testFirst2",
            "lastName": "testLast2",
            "contract": "urn:li:contract:123456789",
            "member": "urn:li:person:a2b3c4d5",
            "state": "ACTIVE",
            "seatRoles": [
            "id": 142636055,
            "email": "test2@linkedin.com",
            "created": {
                "time": 1490641864000
            "firstName": "testFirst3",
            "lastName": "testLast3",
            "contract": "urn:li:contract:123456789",
            "member": "urn:li:person:a3b4c5d6",
            "state": "ACTIVE",
            "seatRoles": [
            "id": 142636075,
            "email": "test3@linkedin.com",
            "created": {
                "time": 1490641864000
            "firstName": "testFirst4",
            "lastName": "testLast4",
            "contract": "urn:li:contract:123456789",
            "member": "urn:li:person:a4b5c6d7",
            "state": "ACTIVE",
            "seatRoles": [
            "id": 142636095,
            "email": "test4@linkedin.com",
            "created": {
                "time": 1490641864000
            "firstName": "testFirst5",
            "lastName": "testLast5",
            "contract": "urn:li:contract:123456789",
            "member": "urn:li:person:a5b7c9d0",
            "state": "ACTIVE",
            "seatRoles": [
            "id": 142636105,
            "email": "test5@linkedin.com",
            "created": {
                "time": 1490641864000
    "metadata": "seatsV2",
    "paging": {
        "total": 10,
        "count": 5,
        "start": 0,
        "links": [
                "rel": "next",
                "href": "/v2/seatsV2?contracts=urn%3Ali%3Acontract%3A123456789&count=5&q=attributes&start=5",
                "type": "application/json"

Migrated Fields from Seats to SeatsV2

Seats SeatsV2 Format Notes
contractId contract contractUrn No change in contractUrn values
active states enum Changed from boolean to enum
admin seatRoles Array of enum Changed from boolean to array of enum