Location Field
geoLocation Field (New)
Member's current location using Bing Geo taxonomy. This field is currently optional while Bing Geo migration is in progress.
Field Name | Description | Type |
geo | Member's current location defined by Bing Geo URN. | Geo URN |
autoGenerated | Default to true. True if existing geoLocation is back filled or dual written from legacy location . False if it's a member input. This is read-only, temporary and used for Bing Geo migration to indicate whether the existing geo location is a member input. Clients may suggest members to re-select their location when they haven't. |
boolean |
location Field (Legacy)
Field Name | Type |
countryCode | The lower-case ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard country code representing the member's current country/region. |
postalCode | Optional string representing the postal code of the location. |
standardizedLocationUrn | An optional standardized referenced location URN. |
userSelectedGeoPlaceCode | Optional string representing the place code of the geographic location. |
Note: To understand how the display name of the member's location is determined, please refer here.