Updated Marketing API Error Messages
Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202402 (Marketing February 2024) has been sunset. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details.
If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.
We have updated our error messages to provide the specific information you need to fix errors and make it easier to use our APIs. These updates will be available February 27, 2020. This is the first step in a long-term plan to improve our error schema, which includes a new error detail field to provide additional information. Look for more details in the coming months.
Endpoint Changed | Previous Error Code | Previous Error Message | New Error Code | New Error Message |
CREATE and GET /adAccountUsersV2 | 400 | Value of /user expected to match value of CompoundKey's user part | 400 | User in request data and url param must match |
CREATE and GET /adAccountUsersV2 | 400 | Value {value1} of /account expected to match value {value2} of CompoundKey's account part |
400 | Account in request data and url param must match |
CREATE and GET /adAccountUsersV2 | 400 | Should not allow multiple routing entity on batch update | 400 | Entities should have the same ad account in batch update and batch partial update request. |
CREATE and GET /adAccountUsersV2 | 500 | Internal Error | 400 | User in request data and url param must match |
CREATE and GET /adAccountUsersV2 | 500 | Internal Error | 400 | Account in request data and url param must match |
CREATE and GET /adCampaignsV2 | 400 | Cannot fetch information for the segment. TscpSasbeCampaignConditionalValidator.prefetchSegments should failed before this operation. |
400 | Split into two possible error messages depending on cause:
400 | {field} cannot contain "CONTACTS, COMPANIES" as dynamic Ad Campaigns may not switch between mobile and non-mobile adzones unless in draft mode |
CREATE and GET /adCampaignsV2 | 400 | ct_company_id target cannot be set if ct_adzone is set to {adZones} |
400 | contextualCompanies cannot be set if contextualAdZones is set to {adZones} |
CREATE and GET /adCampaignsV2 | 400 | ct_company_id target is required but missing |
400 | contextualCompanies is required but missing |
CREATE and GET /adCampaignsV2 | 400 | context country target cannot be set if ct_adzone is set to {adZones} |
400 | contextualCountries cannot be set if contextualAdZones is set to {adZones} |
CREATE and GET /adCampaignGroupsV2 | 400 | Cannot update the campaign daily budget as Unspent Campaign Group Budget is set to 40 | 400 | The campaign group needs a minimum available budget of {value1}. Currently the remaining campaign group budget is {value0}. Please increase your campaign group total budget to {value2} to meet the minimum amount required to proceed. |
CREATE /adCreativesV2 | 400 | {field} points to a video whose properties such as aspect ratio, dimensions etc. do not meet the standard for video ads. Error message : {errorMessage} . |
400 | Video must be at least 3 seconds |
CREATE create /adCreativesV2 | 400 | {field} points to a video whose properties such as aspect ratio, dimensions etc. do not meet the standard for video ads. Error message : {errorMessage} . |
400 | Video can be at most 1800 seconds |
CREATE /adCreativesV2 | 400 | {field} points to a video whose properties such as aspect ratio, dimensions etc. do not meet the standard for video ads. Error message : {errorMessage} . |
400 | Video must have aspect ratio between 1:1 and 16:9 |
CREATE /adCreativesV2 | 400 | {field} points to a video whose properties such as aspect ratio, dimensions etc. do not meet the standard for video ads. Error message : {errorMessage} . |
400 | Video width must be between 10px and 20px |
CREATE /adCreativesV2 | 400 | {field} points to a video whose properties such as aspect ratio, dimensions etc. do not meet the standard for video ads. Error message : {errorMessage} . |
400 | There was a problem processing the video. Please retry. |