
Excel.FilterDatetimeSpecificity enum


[ API セット: ExcelApi 1.2 ]

// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/38-pivottable/pivottable-pivotfilters.yaml

await Excel.run(async (context) => {
  // Add a date-based PivotFilter.

  // Get the PivotTable.
  const pivotTable = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet().pivotTables.getItem("Farm Sales");

  // PivotFilters can only be applied to PivotHierarchies that are being used for pivoting.
  // If it's not already there, add "Date Updated" to the hierarchies.
  let dateHierarchy = pivotTable.rowHierarchies.getItemOrNullObject("Date Updated");
  await context.sync();
  if (dateHierarchy.isNullObject) {
    dateHierarchy = pivotTable.rowHierarchies.add(pivotTable.hierarchies.getItem("Date Updated"));

  // Apply a date filter to filter out anything logged before August.
  const filterField = dateHierarchy.fields.getItem("Date Updated");
  const dateFilter = {
    condition: Excel.DateFilterCondition.afterOrEqualTo,
    comparator: {
      date: "2020-08-01",
      specificity: Excel.FilterDatetimeSpecificity.month
  filterField.applyFilter({ dateFilter: dateFilter });

  await context.sync();


day = "Day"
hour = "Hour"
minute = "Minute"
month = "Month"
second = "Second"
year = "Year"