

ExtensionStateFlags enum

States of an extension Note: If you add value to this enum, you need to do 2 other things. First add the back compat enum in value src\Vssf\Sdk\Server\Contributions\InstalledExtensionMessage.cs. Second, you can not send the new value on the message bus. You need to remove it from the message bus event prior to being sent.


None = 0

No flags set

Disabled = 1

Extension is disabled

BuiltIn = 2

Extension is a built in

MultiVersion = 4

Extension has multiple versions

UnInstalled = 8

Extension is not installed. This is for builtin extensions only and can not otherwise be set.

VersionCheckError = 16

Error performing version check

Trusted = 32

Trusted extensions are ones that are given special capabilities. These tend to come from Microsoft and can't be published by the general public. Note: BuiltIn extensions are always trusted.

Error = 64

Extension is currently in an error state

NeedsReauthorization = 128

Extension scopes have changed and the extension requires re-authorization

AutoUpgradeError = 256

Error performing auto-upgrade. For example, if the new version has demands not supported the extension cannot be auto-upgraded.

Warning = 512

Extension is currently in a warning state, that can cause a degraded experience. The degraded experience can be caused for example by some installation issues detected such as implicit demands not supported.

Unpublished = 1024

Extension is currently unpublished in the marketplace. Extension usage should be reviewed and removed if it is no longer needed