
MongoClustersOperations interface

Interface representing a MongoClusters operations.



Check if mongo cluster name is available for use.


Create or update a mongo cluster. Update overwrites all properties for the resource. To only modify some of the properties, use PATCH.


Deletes a mongo cluster.


Gets information about a mongo cluster.


List all the mongo clusters in a given subscription.


List all the mongo clusters in a given resource group.


List mongo cluster connection strings. This includes the default connection string using SCRAM-SHA-256, as well as other connection strings supported by the cluster.


Promotes a replica mongo cluster to a primary role.


Updates an existing mongo cluster. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal mongo cluster definition.

Property Details


Check if mongo cluster name is available for use.

checkNameAvailability: (location: string, body: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, options?: MongoClustersCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams) => Promise<CheckNameAvailabilityResponse>

Property Value

(location: string, body: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, options?: MongoClustersCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams) => Promise<CheckNameAvailabilityResponse>


Create or update a mongo cluster. Update overwrites all properties for the resource. To only modify some of the properties, use PATCH.

createOrUpdate: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, resource: MongoCluster, options?: MongoClustersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, resource: MongoCluster, options?: MongoClustersCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>


Deletes a mongo cluster.

delete: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersDeleteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersDeleteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>


Gets information about a mongo cluster.

get: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersGetOptionalParams) => Promise<MongoCluster>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersGetOptionalParams) => Promise<MongoCluster>


List all the mongo clusters in a given subscription.

list: (options?: MongoClustersListOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>

Property Value

(options?: MongoClustersListOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>


List all the mongo clusters in a given resource group.

listByResourceGroup: (resourceGroupName: string, options?: MongoClustersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, options?: MongoClustersListByResourceGroupOptionalParams) => PagedAsyncIterableIterator<MongoCluster, MongoCluster[], PageSettings>


List mongo cluster connection strings. This includes the default connection string using SCRAM-SHA-256, as well as other connection strings supported by the cluster.

listConnectionStrings: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersListConnectionStringsOptionalParams) => Promise<ListConnectionStringsResult>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, options?: MongoClustersListConnectionStringsOptionalParams) => Promise<ListConnectionStringsResult>


Promotes a replica mongo cluster to a primary role.

promote: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, body: PromoteReplicaRequest, options?: MongoClustersPromoteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, body: PromoteReplicaRequest, options?: MongoClustersPromoteOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<void>, void>


Updates an existing mongo cluster. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal mongo cluster definition.

update: (resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, properties: MongoClusterUpdate, options?: MongoClustersUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>

Property Value

(resourceGroupName: string, mongoClusterName: string, properties: MongoClusterUpdate, options?: MongoClustersUpdateOptionalParams) => PollerLike<OperationState<MongoCluster>, MongoCluster>