
Trainings Interface

public interface Trainings

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in Trainings.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
TrainingsCreateImageRegionsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createImageRegions()

Create a set of image regions. This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information. There is a limit of 64 entries in the batch.

ImageRegionCreateSummary createImageRegions(UUID projectId, CreateImageRegionsOptionalParameter createImageRegionsOptionalParameter)

Create a set of image regions. This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information. There is a limit of 64 entries in the batch.

Observable<ImageRegionCreateSummary> createImageRegionsAsync(UUID projectId, CreateImageRegionsOptionalParameter createImageRegionsOptionalParameter)

Create a set of image regions. This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information. There is a limit of 64 entries in the batch.

TrainingsCreateImagesFromDataDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createImagesFromData()

Add the provided images to the set of training images. This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart multiple image files can be sent at once, with a maximum of 64 files.

ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromData(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, CreateImagesFromDataOptionalParameter createImagesFromDataOptionalParameter)

Add the provided images to the set of training images. This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart multiple image files can be sent at once, with a maximum of 64 files.

Observable<ImageCreateSummary> createImagesFromDataAsync(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, CreateImagesFromDataOptionalParameter createImagesFromDataOptionalParameter)

Add the provided images to the set of training images. This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart multiple image files can be sent at once, with a maximum of 64 files.

ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromFiles(UUID projectId, ImageFileCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided batch of images to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of files, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.

Observable<ImageCreateSummary> createImagesFromFilesAsync(UUID projectId, ImageFileCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided batch of images to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of files, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.

ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromPredictions(UUID projectId, ImageIdCreateBatch batch)

Add the specified predicted images to the set of training images. This API creates a batch of images from predicted images specified. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.

Observable<ImageCreateSummary> createImagesFromPredictionsAsync(UUID projectId, ImageIdCreateBatch batch)

Add the specified predicted images to the set of training images. This API creates a batch of images from predicted images specified. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.

ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromUrls(UUID projectId, ImageUrlCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided images urls to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of urls, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.

Observable<ImageCreateSummary> createImagesFromUrlsAsync(UUID projectId, ImageUrlCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided images urls to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of urls, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.

TrainingsCreateImageTagsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createImageTags()

Associate a set of images with a set of tags.

ImageTagCreateSummary createImageTags(UUID projectId, CreateImageTagsOptionalParameter createImageTagsOptionalParameter)

Associate a set of images with a set of tags.

Observable<ImageTagCreateSummary> createImageTagsAsync(UUID projectId, CreateImageTagsOptionalParameter createImageTagsOptionalParameter)

Associate a set of images with a set of tags.

TrainingsCreateProjectDefinitionStages.WithName createProject()

Create a project.

Project createProject(String name, CreateProjectOptionalParameter createProjectOptionalParameter)

Create a project.

Observable<Project> createProjectAsync(String name, CreateProjectOptionalParameter createProjectOptionalParameter)

Create a project.

TrainingsCreateTagDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createTag()

Create a tag for the project.

Tag createTag(UUID projectId, String name, CreateTagOptionalParameter createTagOptionalParameter)

Create a tag for the project.

Observable<Tag> createTagAsync(UUID projectId, String name, CreateTagOptionalParameter createTagOptionalParameter)

Create a tag for the project.

void deleteImageRegions(UUID projectId, List<UUID> regionIds)

Delete a set of image regions.

Observable<Void> deleteImageRegionsAsync(UUID projectId, List<UUID> regionIds)

Delete a set of image regions.

void deleteImages(UUID projectId, List<UUID> imageIds)

Delete images from the set of training images.

Observable<Void> deleteImagesAsync(UUID projectId, List<UUID> imageIds)

Delete images from the set of training images.

void deleteImageTags(UUID projectId, List<UUID> imageIds, List<UUID> tagIds)

Remove a set of tags from a set of images.

Observable<Void> deleteImageTagsAsync(UUID projectId, List<UUID> imageIds, List<UUID> tagIds)

Remove a set of tags from a set of images.

void deleteIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Delete a specific iteration of a project.

Observable<Void> deleteIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Delete a specific iteration of a project.

void deletePrediction(UUID projectId, List<UUID> ids)

Delete a set of predicted images and their associated prediction results.

Observable<Void> deletePredictionAsync(UUID projectId, List<UUID> ids)

Delete a set of predicted images and their associated prediction results.

void deleteProject(UUID projectId)

Delete a specific project.

Observable<Void> deleteProjectAsync(UUID projectId)

Delete a specific project.

void deleteTag(UUID projectId, UUID tagId)

Delete a tag from the project.

Observable<Void> deleteTagAsync(UUID projectId, UUID tagId)

Delete a tag from the project.

TrainingsExportIterationDefinitionStages.WithProjectId exportIteration()

Export a trained iteration.

Export exportIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String platform, ExportIterationOptionalParameter exportIterationOptionalParameter)

Export a trained iteration.

Observable<Export> exportIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String platform, ExportIterationOptionalParameter exportIterationOptionalParameter)

Export a trained iteration.

Domain getDomain(UUID domainId)

Get information about a specific domain.

Observable<Domain> getDomainAsync(UUID domainId)

Get information about a specific domain.

List<Domain> getDomains()

Get a list of the available domains.

Observable<List<Domain>> getDomainsAsync()

Get a list of the available domains.

List<Export> getExports(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get the list of exports for a specific iteration.

Observable<List<Export>> getExportsAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get the list of exports for a specific iteration.

TrainingsGetImagePerformanceCountDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getImagePerformanceCount()

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds} that have prediction results from training for the provided iteration {iterationId}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

int getImagePerformanceCount(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter getImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds} that have prediction results from training for the provided iteration {iterationId}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

Observable<Integer> getImagePerformanceCountAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter getImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds} that have prediction results from training for the provided iteration {iterationId}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

TrainingsGetImagePerformancesDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getImagePerformances()

Get image with its prediction for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

List<ImagePerformance> getImagePerformances(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformancesOptionalParameter getImagePerformancesOptionalParameter)

Get image with its prediction for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

Observable<List<ImagePerformance>> getImagePerformancesAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformancesOptionalParameter getImagePerformancesOptionalParameter)

Get image with its prediction for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

ImageRegionProposal getImageRegionProposals(UUID projectId, UUID imageId)

Get region proposals for an image. Returns empty array if no proposals are found. This API will get region proposals for an image along with confidences for the region. It returns an empty array if no proposals are found.

Observable<ImageRegionProposal> getImageRegionProposalsAsync(UUID projectId, UUID imageId)

Get region proposals for an image. Returns empty array if no proposals are found. This API will get region proposals for an image along with confidences for the region. It returns an empty array if no proposals are found.

TrainingsGetImagesByIdsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getImagesByIds()

Get images by id for a given project iteration. This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.

List<Image> getImagesByIds(UUID projectId, GetImagesByIdsOptionalParameter getImagesByIdsOptionalParameter)

Get images by id for a given project iteration. This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.

Observable<List<Image>> getImagesByIdsAsync(UUID projectId, GetImagesByIdsOptionalParameter getImagesByIdsOptionalParameter)

Get images by id for a given project iteration. This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.

Iteration getIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get a specific iteration.

Observable<Iteration> getIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get a specific iteration.

TrainingsGetIterationPerformanceDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getIterationPerformance()

Get detailed performance information about an iteration.

IterationPerformance getIterationPerformance(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter getIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter)

Get detailed performance information about an iteration.

Observable<IterationPerformance> getIterationPerformanceAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter getIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter)

Get detailed performance information about an iteration.

List<Iteration> getIterations(UUID projectId)

Get iterations for the project.

Observable<List<Iteration>> getIterationsAsync(UUID projectId)

Get iterations for the project.

Project getProject(UUID projectId)

Get a specific project.

Observable<Project> getProjectAsync(UUID projectId)

Get a specific project.

List<Project> getProjects()

Get your projects.

Observable<List<Project>> getProjectsAsync()

Get your projects.

TrainingsGetTagDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTag()

Get information about a specific tag.

Tag getTag(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, GetTagOptionalParameter getTagOptionalParameter)

Get information about a specific tag.

Observable<Tag> getTagAsync(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, GetTagOptionalParameter getTagOptionalParameter)

Get information about a specific tag.

TrainingsGetTaggedImageCountDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTaggedImageCount()

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

int getTaggedImageCount(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

Observable<Integer> getTaggedImageCountAsync(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

TrainingsGetTaggedImagesDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTaggedImages()

Get tagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

List<Image> getTaggedImages(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImagesOptionalParameter getTaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get tagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

Observable<List<Image>> getTaggedImagesAsync(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImagesOptionalParameter getTaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get tagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.

TrainingsGetTagsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTags()

Get the tags for a given project and iteration.

List<Tag> getTags(UUID projectId, GetTagsOptionalParameter getTagsOptionalParameter)

Get the tags for a given project and iteration.

Observable<List<Tag>> getTagsAsync(UUID projectId, GetTagsOptionalParameter getTagsOptionalParameter)

Get the tags for a given project and iteration.

TrainingsGetUntaggedImageCountDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getUntaggedImageCount()

Gets the number of untagged images. This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.

int getUntaggedImageCount(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of untagged images. This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.

Observable<Integer> getUntaggedImageCountAsync(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of untagged images. This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.

TrainingsGetUntaggedImagesDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getUntaggedImages()

Get untagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch.

List<Image> getUntaggedImages(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter getUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get untagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch.

Observable<List<Image>> getUntaggedImagesAsync(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter getUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get untagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch.

boolean publishIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String publishName, String predictionId)

Publish a specific iteration.

Observable<Boolean> publishIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String publishName, String predictionId)

Publish a specific iteration.

PredictionQueryResult queryPredictions(UUID projectId, PredictionQueryToken query)

Get images that were sent to your prediction endpoint.

Observable<PredictionQueryResult> queryPredictionsAsync(UUID projectId, PredictionQueryToken query)

Get images that were sent to your prediction endpoint.

TrainingsQuickTestImageDefinitionStages.WithProjectId quickTestImage()

Quick test an image.

ImagePrediction quickTestImage(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, QuickTestImageOptionalParameter quickTestImageOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image.

Observable<ImagePrediction> quickTestImageAsync(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, QuickTestImageOptionalParameter quickTestImageOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image.

TrainingsQuickTestImageUrlDefinitionStages.WithProjectId quickTestImageUrl()

Quick test an image url.

ImagePrediction quickTestImageUrl(UUID projectId, String url, QuickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter quickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image url.

Observable<ImagePrediction> quickTestImageUrlAsync(UUID projectId, String url, QuickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter quickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image url.

TrainingsTrainProjectDefinitionStages.WithProjectId trainProject()

Queues project for training.

Iteration trainProject(UUID projectId, TrainProjectOptionalParameter trainProjectOptionalParameter)

Queues project for training.

Observable<Iteration> trainProjectAsync(UUID projectId, TrainProjectOptionalParameter trainProjectOptionalParameter)

Queues project for training.

void unpublishIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Unpublish a specific iteration.

Observable<Void> unpublishIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Unpublish a specific iteration.

Iteration updateIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String name)

Update a specific iteration.

Observable<Iteration> updateIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String name)

Update a specific iteration.

Project updateProject(UUID projectId, Project updatedProject)

Update a specific project.

Observable<Project> updateProjectAsync(UUID projectId, Project updatedProject)

Update a specific project.

Tag updateTag(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, Tag updatedTag)

Update a tag.

Observable<Tag> updateTagAsync(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, Tag updatedTag)

Update a tag.

Method Details


public TrainingsCreateImageRegionsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createImageRegions()

Create a set of image regions. This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information. There is a limit of 64 entries in the batch.


the first stage of the createImageRegions call


public ImageRegionCreateSummary createImageRegions(UUID projectId, CreateImageRegionsOptionalParameter createImageRegionsOptionalParameter)

Create a set of image regions. This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information. There is a limit of 64 entries in the batch.


projectId - The project id.
createImageRegionsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the ImageRegionCreateSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createImageRegionsAsync(UUID projectId, CreateImageRegionsOptionalParameter createImageRegionsOptionalParameter)

Create a set of image regions. This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information. There is a limit of 64 entries in the batch.


projectId - The project id.
createImageRegionsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the ImageRegionCreateSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsCreateImagesFromDataDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createImagesFromData()

Add the provided images to the set of training images. This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart multiple image files can be sent at once, with a maximum of 64 files.


the first stage of the createImagesFromData call


public ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromData(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, CreateImagesFromDataOptionalParameter createImagesFromDataOptionalParameter)

Add the provided images to the set of training images. This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart multiple image files can be sent at once, with a maximum of 64 files.


projectId - The project id.
imageData - Binary image data. Supported formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP. Supports images up to 6MB.
createImagesFromDataOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the ImageCreateSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createImagesFromDataAsync(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, CreateImagesFromDataOptionalParameter createImagesFromDataOptionalParameter)

Add the provided images to the set of training images. This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart multiple image files can be sent at once, with a maximum of 64 files.


projectId - The project id.
imageData - Binary image data. Supported formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP. Supports images up to 6MB.
createImagesFromDataOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the ImageCreateSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromFiles(UUID projectId, ImageFileCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided batch of images to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of files, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.


projectId - The project id.
batch - The batch of image files to add. Limited to 64 images and 20 tags per batch.


the ImageCreateSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createImagesFromFilesAsync(UUID projectId, ImageFileCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided batch of images to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of files, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.


projectId - The project id.
batch - The batch of image files to add. Limited to 64 images and 20 tags per batch.


the observable to the ImageCreateSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromPredictions(UUID projectId, ImageIdCreateBatch batch)

Add the specified predicted images to the set of training images. This API creates a batch of images from predicted images specified. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.


projectId - The project id.
batch - Image and tag ids. Limited to 64 images and 20 tags per batch.


the ImageCreateSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createImagesFromPredictionsAsync(UUID projectId, ImageIdCreateBatch batch)

Add the specified predicted images to the set of training images. This API creates a batch of images from predicted images specified. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.


projectId - The project id.
batch - Image and tag ids. Limited to 64 images and 20 tags per batch.


the observable to the ImageCreateSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ImageCreateSummary createImagesFromUrls(UUID projectId, ImageUrlCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided images urls to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of urls, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.


projectId - The project id.
batch - Image urls and tag ids. Limited to 64 images and 20 tags per batch.


the ImageCreateSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createImagesFromUrlsAsync(UUID projectId, ImageUrlCreateBatch batch)

Add the provided images urls to the set of training images. This API accepts a batch of urls, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.


projectId - The project id.
batch - Image urls and tag ids. Limited to 64 images and 20 tags per batch.


the observable to the ImageCreateSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsCreateImageTagsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createImageTags()

Associate a set of images with a set of tags.


the first stage of the createImageTags call


public ImageTagCreateSummary createImageTags(UUID projectId, CreateImageTagsOptionalParameter createImageTagsOptionalParameter)

Associate a set of images with a set of tags.


projectId - The project id.
createImageTagsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the ImageTagCreateSummary object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createImageTagsAsync(UUID projectId, CreateImageTagsOptionalParameter createImageTagsOptionalParameter)

Associate a set of images with a set of tags.


projectId - The project id.
createImageTagsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the ImageTagCreateSummary object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsCreateProjectDefinitionStages.WithName createProject()

Create a project.


the first stage of the createProject call


public Project createProject(String name, CreateProjectOptionalParameter createProjectOptionalParameter)

Create a project.


name - Name of the project.
createProjectOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the Project object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createProjectAsync(String name, CreateProjectOptionalParameter createProjectOptionalParameter)

Create a project.


name - Name of the project.
createProjectOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the Project object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsCreateTagDefinitionStages.WithProjectId createTag()

Create a tag for the project.


the first stage of the createTag call


public Tag createTag(UUID projectId, String name, CreateTagOptionalParameter createTagOptionalParameter)

Create a tag for the project.


projectId - The project id.
name - The tag name.
createTagOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the Tag object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable createTagAsync(UUID projectId, String name, CreateTagOptionalParameter createTagOptionalParameter)

Create a tag for the project.


projectId - The project id.
name - The tag name.
createTagOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the Tag object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deleteImageRegions(UUID projectId, List regionIds)

Delete a set of image regions.


projectId - The project id.
regionIds - Regions to delete. Limited to 64.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deleteImageRegionsAsync(UUID projectId, List regionIds)

Delete a set of image regions.


projectId - The project id.
regionIds - Regions to delete. Limited to 64.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deleteImages(UUID projectId, List imageIds)

Delete images from the set of training images.


projectId - The project id.
imageIds - Ids of the images to be deleted. Limited to 256 images per batch.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deleteImagesAsync(UUID projectId, List imageIds)

Delete images from the set of training images.


projectId - The project id.
imageIds - Ids of the images to be deleted. Limited to 256 images per batch.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deleteImageTags(UUID projectId, List imageIds, List tagIds)

Remove a set of tags from a set of images.


projectId - The project id.
imageIds - Image ids. Limited to 64 images.
tagIds - Tags to be deleted from the specified images. Limited to 20 tags.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deleteImageTagsAsync(UUID projectId, List imageIds, List tagIds)

Remove a set of tags from a set of images.


projectId - The project id.
imageIds - Image ids. Limited to 64 images.
tagIds - Tags to be deleted from the specified images. Limited to 20 tags.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deleteIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Delete a specific iteration of a project.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deleteIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Delete a specific iteration of a project.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deletePrediction(UUID projectId, List ids)

Delete a set of predicted images and their associated prediction results.


projectId - The project id.
ids - The prediction ids. Limited to 64.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deletePredictionAsync(UUID projectId, List ids)

Delete a set of predicted images and their associated prediction results.


projectId - The project id.
ids - The prediction ids. Limited to 64.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deleteProject(UUID projectId)

Delete a specific project.


projectId - The project id.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deleteProjectAsync(UUID projectId)

Delete a specific project.


projectId - The project id.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void deleteTag(UUID projectId, UUID tagId)

Delete a tag from the project.


projectId - The project id.
tagId - Id of the tag to be deleted.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable deleteTagAsync(UUID projectId, UUID tagId)

Delete a tag from the project.


projectId - The project id.
tagId - Id of the tag to be deleted.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsExportIterationDefinitionStages.WithProjectId exportIteration()

Export a trained iteration.


the first stage of the exportIteration call


public Export exportIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String platform, ExportIterationOptionalParameter exportIterationOptionalParameter)

Export a trained iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.
platform - The target platform. Possible values include: 'CoreML', 'TensorFlow', 'DockerFile', 'ONNX', 'VAIDK'.
exportIterationOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the Export object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable exportIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String platform, ExportIterationOptionalParameter exportIterationOptionalParameter)

Export a trained iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.
platform - The target platform. Possible values include: 'CoreML', 'TensorFlow', 'DockerFile', 'ONNX', 'VAIDK'.
exportIterationOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the Export object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Domain getDomain(UUID domainId)

Get information about a specific domain.


domainId - The id of the domain to get information about.


the Domain object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getDomainAsync(UUID domainId)

Get information about a specific domain.


domainId - The id of the domain to get information about.


the observable to the Domain object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public List getDomains()

Get a list of the available domains.


the List<Domain> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getDomainsAsync()

Get a list of the available domains.


the observable to the List<Domain> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public List getExports(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get the list of exports for a specific iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.


the List<Export> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getExportsAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get the list of exports for a specific iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.


the observable to the List<Export> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetImagePerformanceCountDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getImagePerformanceCount()

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds} that have prediction results from training for the provided iteration {iterationId}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


the first stage of the getImagePerformanceCount call


public int getImagePerformanceCount(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter getImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds} that have prediction results from training for the provided iteration {iterationId}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id. Defaults to workspace.
getImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the int object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getImagePerformanceCountAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter getImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds} that have prediction results from training for the provided iteration {iterationId}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id. Defaults to workspace.
getImagePerformanceCountOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the int object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetImagePerformancesDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getImagePerformances()

Get image with its prediction for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


the first stage of the getImagePerformances call


public List getImagePerformances(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformancesOptionalParameter getImagePerformancesOptionalParameter)

Get image with its prediction for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id. Defaults to workspace.
getImagePerformancesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the List<ImagePerformance> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getImagePerformancesAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetImagePerformancesOptionalParameter getImagePerformancesOptionalParameter)

Get image with its prediction for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id. Defaults to workspace.
getImagePerformancesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the List<ImagePerformance> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ImageRegionProposal getImageRegionProposals(UUID projectId, UUID imageId)

Get region proposals for an image. Returns empty array if no proposals are found. This API will get region proposals for an image along with confidences for the region. It returns an empty array if no proposals are found.


projectId - The project id.
imageId - The image id.


the ImageRegionProposal object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getImageRegionProposalsAsync(UUID projectId, UUID imageId)

Get region proposals for an image. Returns empty array if no proposals are found. This API will get region proposals for an image along with confidences for the region. It returns an empty array if no proposals are found.


projectId - The project id.
imageId - The image id.


the observable to the ImageRegionProposal object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetImagesByIdsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getImagesByIds()

Get images by id for a given project iteration. This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.


the first stage of the getImagesByIds call


public List getImagesByIds(UUID projectId, GetImagesByIdsOptionalParameter getImagesByIdsOptionalParameter)

Get images by id for a given project iteration. This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.


projectId - The project id.
getImagesByIdsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the List<Image> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getImagesByIdsAsync(UUID projectId, GetImagesByIdsOptionalParameter getImagesByIdsOptionalParameter)

Get images by id for a given project iteration. This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.


projectId - The project id.
getImagesByIdsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the List<Image> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Iteration getIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get a specific iteration.


projectId - The id of the project the iteration belongs to.
iterationId - The id of the iteration to get.


the Iteration object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Get a specific iteration.


projectId - The id of the project the iteration belongs to.
iterationId - The id of the iteration to get.


the observable to the Iteration object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetIterationPerformanceDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getIterationPerformance()

Get detailed performance information about an iteration.


the first stage of the getIterationPerformance call


public IterationPerformance getIterationPerformance(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter getIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter)

Get detailed performance information about an iteration.


projectId - The id of the project the iteration belongs to.
iterationId - The id of the iteration to get.
getIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the IterationPerformance object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getIterationPerformanceAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, GetIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter getIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter)

Get detailed performance information about an iteration.


projectId - The id of the project the iteration belongs to.
iterationId - The id of the iteration to get.
getIterationPerformanceOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the IterationPerformance object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public List getIterations(UUID projectId)

Get iterations for the project.


projectId - The project id.


the List<Iteration> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getIterationsAsync(UUID projectId)

Get iterations for the project.


projectId - The project id.


the observable to the List<Iteration> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Project getProject(UUID projectId)

Get a specific project.


projectId - The id of the project to get.


the Project object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getProjectAsync(UUID projectId)

Get a specific project.


projectId - The id of the project to get.


the observable to the Project object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public List getProjects()

Get your projects.


the List<Project> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getProjectsAsync()

Get your projects.


the observable to the List<Project> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetTagDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTag()

Get information about a specific tag.


the first stage of the getTag call


public Tag getTag(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, GetTagOptionalParameter getTagOptionalParameter)

Get information about a specific tag.


projectId - The project this tag belongs to.
tagId - The tag id.
getTagOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the Tag object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getTagAsync(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, GetTagOptionalParameter getTagOptionalParameter)

Get information about a specific tag.


projectId - The project this tag belongs to.
tagId - The tag id.
getTagOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the Tag object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetTaggedImageCountDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTaggedImageCount()

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


the first stage of the getTaggedImageCount call


public int getTaggedImageCount(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
getTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the int object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getTaggedImageCountAsync(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of images tagged with the provided {tagIds}. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
getTaggedImageCountOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the int object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetTaggedImagesDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTaggedImages()

Get tagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


the first stage of the getTaggedImages call


public List getTaggedImages(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImagesOptionalParameter getTaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get tagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
getTaggedImagesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the List<Image> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getTaggedImagesAsync(UUID projectId, GetTaggedImagesOptionalParameter getTaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get tagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned.


projectId - The project id.
getTaggedImagesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the List<Image> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetTagsDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getTags()

Get the tags for a given project and iteration.


the first stage of the getTags call


public List getTags(UUID projectId, GetTagsOptionalParameter getTagsOptionalParameter)

Get the tags for a given project and iteration.


projectId - The project id.
getTagsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the List<Tag> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getTagsAsync(UUID projectId, GetTagsOptionalParameter getTagsOptionalParameter)

Get the tags for a given project and iteration.


projectId - The project id.
getTagsOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the List<Tag> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetUntaggedImageCountDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getUntaggedImageCount()

Gets the number of untagged images. This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.


the first stage of the getUntaggedImageCount call


public int getUntaggedImageCount(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of untagged images. This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.


projectId - The project id.
getUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the int object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getUntaggedImageCountAsync(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter getUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter)

Gets the number of untagged images. This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the current workspace is used.


projectId - The project id.
getUntaggedImageCountOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the int object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsGetUntaggedImagesDefinitionStages.WithProjectId getUntaggedImages()

Get untagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch.


the first stage of the getUntaggedImages call


public List getUntaggedImages(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter getUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get untagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch.


projectId - The project id.
getUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the List<Image> object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable> getUntaggedImagesAsync(UUID projectId, GetUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter getUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter)

Get untagged images for a given project iteration. This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch.


projectId - The project id.
getUntaggedImagesOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the List<Image> object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public boolean publishIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String publishName, String predictionId)

Publish a specific iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.
publishName - The name to give the published iteration.
predictionId - The id of the prediction resource to publish to.


the boolean object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable publishIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String publishName, String predictionId)

Publish a specific iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.
publishName - The name to give the published iteration.
predictionId - The id of the prediction resource to publish to.


the observable to the boolean object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public PredictionQueryResult queryPredictions(UUID projectId, PredictionQueryToken query)

Get images that were sent to your prediction endpoint.


projectId - The project id.
query - Parameters used to query the predictions. Limited to combining 2 tags.


the PredictionQueryResult object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable queryPredictionsAsync(UUID projectId, PredictionQueryToken query)

Get images that were sent to your prediction endpoint.


projectId - The project id.
query - Parameters used to query the predictions. Limited to combining 2 tags.


the observable to the PredictionQueryResult object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsQuickTestImageDefinitionStages.WithProjectId quickTestImage()

Quick test an image.


the first stage of the quickTestImage call


public ImagePrediction quickTestImage(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, QuickTestImageOptionalParameter quickTestImageOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image.


projectId - The project id.
imageData - Binary image data. Supported formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP. Supports images up to 6MB.
quickTestImageOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the ImagePrediction object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable quickTestImageAsync(UUID projectId, byte[] imageData, QuickTestImageOptionalParameter quickTestImageOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image.


projectId - The project id.
imageData - Binary image data. Supported formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP. Supports images up to 6MB.
quickTestImageOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the ImagePrediction object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsQuickTestImageUrlDefinitionStages.WithProjectId quickTestImageUrl()

Quick test an image url.


the first stage of the quickTestImageUrl call


public ImagePrediction quickTestImageUrl(UUID projectId, String url, QuickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter quickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image url.


projectId - The project to evaluate against.
url - Url of the image.
quickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the ImagePrediction object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable quickTestImageUrlAsync(UUID projectId, String url, QuickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter quickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter)

Quick test an image url.


projectId - The project to evaluate against.
url - Url of the image.
quickTestImageUrlOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the ImagePrediction object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public TrainingsTrainProjectDefinitionStages.WithProjectId trainProject()

Queues project for training.


the first stage of the trainProject call


public Iteration trainProject(UUID projectId, TrainProjectOptionalParameter trainProjectOptionalParameter)

Queues project for training.


projectId - The project id.
trainProjectOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the Iteration object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable trainProjectAsync(UUID projectId, TrainProjectOptionalParameter trainProjectOptionalParameter)

Queues project for training.


projectId - The project id.
trainProjectOptionalParameter - the object representing the optional parameters to be set before calling this API


the observable to the Iteration object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public void unpublishIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Unpublish a specific iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable unpublishIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId)

Unpublish a specific iteration.


projectId - The project id.
iterationId - The iteration id.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Iteration updateIteration(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String name)

Update a specific iteration.


projectId - Project id.
iterationId - Iteration id.
name - Gets or sets the name of the iteration.


the Iteration object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable updateIterationAsync(UUID projectId, UUID iterationId, String name)

Update a specific iteration.


projectId - Project id.
iterationId - Iteration id.
name - Gets or sets the name of the iteration.


the observable to the Iteration object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Project updateProject(UUID projectId, Project updatedProject)

Update a specific project.


projectId - The id of the project to update.
updatedProject - The updated project model.


the Project object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable updateProjectAsync(UUID projectId, Project updatedProject)

Update a specific project.


projectId - The id of the project to update.
updatedProject - The updated project model.


the observable to the Project object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Tag updateTag(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, Tag updatedTag)

Update a tag.


projectId - The project id.
tagId - The id of the target tag.
updatedTag - The updated tag model.


the Tag object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
CustomVisionErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable updateTagAsync(UUID projectId, UUID tagId, Tag updatedTag)

Update a tag.


projectId - The project id.
tagId - The id of the target tag.
updatedTag - The updated tag model.


the observable to the Tag object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation

Applies to