This package contains the exception classes of cosmos db
ConfigurationException |
General exception for illegal configuration of cosmosdb |
CosmosAccessException |
Public class extending Data |
CosmosBadRequestException |
Exception for Cosmos Bad Request Exception. |
CosmosConflictException |
Exception for Cosmos Conflict Exception. |
CosmosExceptionUtils |
To handle and throw a cosmos db exception when access the database |
CosmosForbiddenException |
Exception for Cosmos Forbidden Exception. |
CosmosGoneException |
Exception for Cosmos Gone Exception. |
CosmosInternalServerErrorException |
Exception for Cosmos Internal Server Error Exception. |
CosmosInvalidPartitionException |
Exception for Cosmos Invalid Partition Exception. |
CosmosMethodNotAllowedException |
Exception for Cosmos Method Not Allowed Exception. |
CosmosNotFoundException |
Exception for Cosmos Not Found Exception. |
CosmosOperationCancelledException |
Exception for Cosmos Operation Cancelled Exception. |
CosmosPartitionIsMigratingException |
Exception for Cosmos Partition Is Migrating Exception. |
CosmosPartitionKeyRangeGoneException |
Exception for Cosmos Partition Key Range Gone Exception. |
CosmosPartitionKeyRangeIsSplittingException |
Exception for Cosmos Key Range Is Splitting Exception. |
CosmosPreconditionFailedException |
Exception for Cosmos Precondition Failed Exception. |
CosmosRequestEntityTooLargeException |
Exception for Cosmos Request Entity Too Large Exception. |
CosmosRequestRateTooLargeException |
Exception for Cosmos Request Rate Too Large Exception. |
CosmosRequestTimeoutException |
Exception for Cosmos Request Timeout Exception. |
CosmosRetryWithException |
Exception for Cosmos Retry With Exception. |
CosmosServiceUnavailableException |
Exception for Cosmos Service Unavailable Exception. |
CosmosUnauthorizedException |
Exception for Cosmos Unauthorized Exception. |
DatabaseCreationException |
General exception for illegal creation of cosmos db |
IllegalCollectionException |
General exception for illegal collection of cosmos db |
IllegalQueryException |
General exception for illegal query of cosmos db |
Azure SDK for Java