
DisasterRecoveryConfigsClient Interface

public interface DisasterRecoveryConfigsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DisasterRecoveryConfigsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract void breakPairing(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.

abstract Mono<Void> breakPairingAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.

abstract Response<Void> breakPairingWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.

abstract Mono<Response<Void>> breakPairingWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.

abstract CheckNameAvailabilityResultInner checkNameAvailability(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters)

Check the give Namespace name availability.

abstract Mono<CheckNameAvailabilityResultInner> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters)

Check the give Namespace name availability.

abstract Response<CheckNameAvailabilityResultInner> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters, Context context)

Check the give Namespace name availability.

abstract Mono<Response<CheckNameAvailabilityResultInner>> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters)

Check the give Namespace name availability.

abstract ArmDisasterRecoveryInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract Mono<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract Response<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> createOrUpdateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters, Context context)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract Mono<Response<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner>> createOrUpdateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract Mono<Void> deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract Response<Void> deleteWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract Mono<Response<Void>> deleteWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).

abstract void failOver(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.

abstract Mono<Void> failOverAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.

abstract Response<Void> failOverWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.

abstract Mono<Response<Void>> failOverWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.

abstract ArmDisasterRecoveryInner get(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.

abstract Mono<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> getAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.

abstract AuthorizationRuleInner getAuthorizationRule(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.

abstract Mono<AuthorizationRuleInner> getAuthorizationRuleAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.

abstract Response<AuthorizationRuleInner> getAuthorizationRuleWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName, Context context)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.

abstract Mono<Response<AuthorizationRuleInner>> getAuthorizationRuleWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.

abstract Response<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.

abstract Mono<Response<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner>> getWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.

abstract PagedIterable<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> list(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName)

Gets all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations).

abstract PagedIterable<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> list(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, Context context)

Gets all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations).

abstract PagedFlux<ArmDisasterRecoveryInner> listAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName)

Gets all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations).

abstract PagedIterable<AuthorizationRuleInner> listAuthorizationRules(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Gets a list of authorization rules for a Namespace.

abstract PagedIterable<AuthorizationRuleInner> listAuthorizationRules(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Gets a list of authorization rules for a Namespace.

abstract PagedFlux<AuthorizationRuleInner> listAuthorizationRulesAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Gets a list of authorization rules for a Namespace.

abstract AccessKeysInner listKeys(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.

abstract Mono<AccessKeysInner> listKeysAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.

abstract Response<AccessKeysInner> listKeysWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName, Context context)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.

abstract Mono<Response<AccessKeysInner>> listKeysWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.

Method Details


public abstract void breakPairing(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


public abstract Mono breakPairingAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Response breakPairingWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.



public abstract Mono> breakPairingWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

This operation disables the Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract CheckNameAvailabilityResultInner checkNameAvailability(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters)

Check the give Namespace name availability.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
parameters - Parameters to check availability of the given Alias name.


the Result of the CheckNameAvailability operation.


public abstract Mono checkNameAvailabilityAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters)

Check the give Namespace name availability.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
parameters - Parameters to check availability of the given Alias name.


the Result of the CheckNameAvailability operation on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response checkNameAvailabilityWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters, Context context)

Check the give Namespace name availability.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
parameters - Parameters to check availability of the given Alias name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the Result of the CheckNameAvailability operation along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, CheckNameAvailabilityParameter parameters)

Check the give Namespace name availability.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
parameters - Parameters to check availability of the given Alias name.


the Result of the CheckNameAvailability operation along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ArmDisasterRecoveryInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
parameters - Parameters required to create an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation.


public abstract Mono createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
parameters - Parameters required to create an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response createOrUpdateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters, Context context)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
parameters - Parameters required to create an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).
context - The context to associate with this operation.


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> createOrUpdateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, ArmDisasterRecoveryInner parameters)

Creates or updates a new Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
parameters - Parameters required to create an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


public abstract Mono deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Response deleteWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.



public abstract Mono> deleteWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Deletes an Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract void failOver(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


public abstract Mono failOverAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Response failOverWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.



public abstract Mono> failOverWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Invokes GEO DR failover and reconfigure the alias to point to the secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ArmDisasterRecoveryInner get(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation.


public abstract Mono getAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract AuthorizationRuleInner getAuthorizationRule(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.


an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.


public abstract Mono getAuthorizationRuleAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.


an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getAuthorizationRuleWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName, Context context)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getAuthorizationRuleWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.


an AuthorizationRule for a Namespace by rule name along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Retrieves Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) for primary or secondary namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


single item in List or Get Alias(Disaster Recovery configuration) operation along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName)

Gets all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.


all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations) as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, Context context)

Gets all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations) as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName)

Gets all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations).


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.


all Alias(Disaster Recovery configurations) as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listAuthorizationRules(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Gets a list of authorization rules for a Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


a list of authorization rules for a Namespace as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listAuthorizationRules(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, Context context)

Gets a list of authorization rules for a Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a list of authorization rules for a Namespace as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAuthorizationRulesAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias)

Gets a list of authorization rules for a Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.


a list of authorization rules for a Namespace as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract AccessKeysInner listKeys(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.


the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.


public abstract Mono listKeysAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.


the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response listKeysWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName, Context context)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> listKeysWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String alias, String authorizationRuleName)

Gets the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group within the azure subscription.
namespaceName - The Namespace name.
alias - The Disaster Recovery configuration name.
authorizationRuleName - The authorization rule name.


the primary and secondary connection strings for the Namespace along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.

Applies to