

Tools included with the Azure Game Development Virtual Machine


Azure Game Development Virtual Machine is scheduled for retirement on February 1st, 2024. Learn more.

Microsoft has partnered with many of the top game development tooling companies to combine the common tools needed to build a game development workstation in the cloud, which we call the Azure Game Development Virtual Machine. With this game development VM, developers can quickly spin up a GPU Workstation or HPC build server in Azure to start developing and building the next game title in the cloud. Built on top of Visual Studio Community Edition 2019 Windows image in Azure, the Game Development Virtual Machines are pre-configured with the complete operating system, security patches, drivers, and core tools and frameworks that are being used in the life cycle of game development. You can also choose the virtual desktop remoting technology such as Parsec, Teradici or RDP, which are all configured and optimized for GPU-intensive workloads; and configure striped disk volume(s) for faster IOPS during the creation of this VM.

The following list of software is installed on the Game Development Virtual Machine.


This is a growing list. As the Virtual Machine evolves, so will the software installed. To recommend common software that should be included, please provide feedback using the mechanism on this page.

Operating systems

  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows 10

Remote access technology

Game engines


Version control tools

Game SDKs

Other tools installed