

Price determination of service commitments

The price of a service commitment is automatically determined based on their setup. To learn more, go to Service commitments. To change a price manually, you can edit the Calculation Base Amount and Calculation Base % fields.

  • Calculation Base Amount

    • Item Price

    The Calculation Base Amount of the service commitments is determined from the item. Customer-side service commitments use the Unit Price field. Vendor-side service commitments use the Last Direct Cost field. Changes to the sales price and cost price in the sales document have no effect.

    • Document Price

    The Calculation Base Amount is determined from the Unit Price for customer service commitments and from the Unit Cost of the sales document line for vendor service commitments. A change to the prices on the document line automatically applies to all service commitments for the sales item.

    • Document Price And Discount

    Calculation Base Amount is determined in the same way as the Document Price Type (see above). In addition, a discount entered in the sales item for the service commitments is transferred and taken into account when determining the Service Amount. This option is not available for vendor-side service commitments.

    • Calculation Base Amount

    Calculation Base Amount is the basis for calculating the service amount. When selling a good with an additional recurring service commitment, the calculation base amount is equal to the value of the good.

    • Calculation Base %

    Calculation Base % is the percentage from the Calculation Base Amount which is used to determine the price of the service commitment.

    • Price

    The price is calculated from the Calculation Base Amount and the Calculation Base %. The price is always valid for the entire Calculation Base Amount. For it's an annual price if a year (or 12 months) is entered in Calculation Base Amount and a monthly price if a month is entered in Calculation Base Period.

See also

Service commitments
Sales process