

Service management reports in Business Central

This article describes the most used reports for service management.


The following table describes some of the key reports in service management.

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Generate a service order document that you can send to your customer. Service Order About Service Orders 5900
Get an overview of service items that are included in service orders. Service Item Line Labels About Service Item Line Labels 5901
Generate a service quote that you can send to your customer. Service Quote About Service Quotes 5902
Get an overview of service tasks. Service Tasks About Service Tasks 5904
Analyze response times for service orders that are shipped. Service Order - Response Time About Service Order - Response Time 5908
Get an overview on profit for responsibility centers. Service Profit (Resp. Centers) About Service Profit (Resp. Centers) 5909
Get an overview of profit for service orders. Service Profit (Serv. Orders) About Service Profit (Serv. Orders) 5910
Generate a service invoice that you can send to your customer. Service - Invoice About Service - Invoice 5911
Generate a service credit memo that you can send to your customer. Service - Credit Memo About Service - Credit Memo 5912
Generate a service shipment document that you can send to your customer. Service - Shipment About Service - Shipment 5913
Verify whether service orders, invoices, or credit memos are correct before you post them. Service Document - Test About Service Document - Test 5915
Get an overview of registered service items, grouped by customer. Service Items About Service Items 5935
Get an overview of what's needed to complete a service repair task. Service Item Worksheet About Service Item Worksheet 5936
Get an overview of service items that are out of warranty. Service Items Out of Warranty About Service Items Out of Warranty 5937
Get an overview of profit for service items. Service Profit (Service Items) About Service Profit (Service Items) 5938
Analyze resource usage of service items. Service Item - Resource Usage About Service Item - Resource Usage 5939
Get an overview of your dispatch board. Dispatch Board About Dispatch Board 5955
Get an overview of the service load on your resources. Service Load Level About Service Load Level 5956
Get an overview of all your service contracts. Service Contract About Service Contract 5970
Get an overview of your service contracts. Service Contract-Detail About Service Contract-Detail 5971
Generate a service contract quote that you can send to your customer. Service Contract Quote About Service Contract Quote 5972
Get an overview of all your service contract quotes. Service Contract Quote-Detail About Service Contract Quote-Detail 5973
Get an overview of contract quotes that you need to sign. Optionally, add a forecast of contract quotes to sign in the future. Contract Quotes to Be Signed About Contract Quotes to Be Signed 5974
Get an overview of profit for service contracts. Service Profit (Contracts) About Service Profit (Contracts) 5976
Get an overview of service contracts for each customer in a selected time period. Service Contract - Customer About Service Contract - Customer 5977
Get an overview of service contracts for each salesperson for a selected period. For example, the overview can help you calculate and document commissions. Serv. Contract - Salesperson About Serv. Contract - Salesperson 5978
Generate a report that shows all your scheduled maintenance visits. Maintenance Visit - Planning About Maintenance Visit - Planning 5980
Analyze gains and losses made on contracts attached to responsibility centers. Contr. Gain/Loss - Resp. Ctr. About Contr. Gain/Loss - Resp. Ctr. 5981
Analyze maintenance performance for responsibility centers. Maintenance Performance About Maintenance Performance 5982
Get an overview of service contract entries for gains and losses. Contract Gain/Loss Entries About Contract Gain/Loss Entries 5983
Find service contracts that are due for invoicing up to a date that you specify. Contract Invoicing - Test About Contract Invoicing - Test 5984
Get an overview of service contracts that need price updates up to a date that you specify. Contract Price Update - Test About Contract Price Update - Test 5985
Find contract lines that are expired up to a date that you specify. Then remove them from the service contracts. Expired Contract Lines - Test About Expired Contract Lines - Test 5987
Find service contracts that include service items that are due for service within a period you specify. Contr. Serv. Orders - Test About Contr. Serv. Orders - Test 5988
Analyze profits from your service pricing. Serv. Pricing Profitability About Serv. Pricing Profitability 6080
Get an overview of the transfer of prepaid service contract ledger entry amounts from prepaid accounts to income accounts. Prepaid Contr. Entries About Prepaid Contr. Entries 6086

See also

Service management

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