

Basic reports and documents output quick start

To adapt Business Central to your company needs, set and use reports and customized documents suited to your business' processes and visual identity.

Add your company logo to documents

Business Central has templates set to use your company's logo to save you time customizing documents such as invoices, orders, and statements.

  1. Choose the Sprocket icon to open the Settings menu. menu, then choose the Company Information action.
  2. Choose the Picture action and then select Choose.
  3. Select the picture file on your device.

After the image displays in the Picture field, you can close the Company Information page.

Run reports

Reports organize information from different sources in Business Central and present it in a readable way that can be easily printed or digitally shared. Reports can be found on the pages they're contextually associated with. For example, the Items page lists reports related to inventory levels, purchases, sales, and more.

  1. Open the page associated with the requested report, such as the Items page.
  2. Choose the Inventory - Top 10 List report on the Reports menu.
  3. On the report request page, set filters to narrow down the date range or change the reference unit of measure used in the report.
  4. Choose the Print action and follow the device's printing steps.
    1. Alternatively, select the Preview action to display the report on the screen.

Learn more on filtering data, scheduling reports, and more at Run and Print Reports.

Save reports as PDF, Excel, or Word documents

To quickly share reports, you can save Business Central reports directly to PDF, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft Word documents.

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 from the run reports section above.
  2. Choose the Send to action.
  3. Select the file type, then choose OK. r The generated report file is automatically saved to your browser's download folder.

Change report and document layouts

Business Central comes with many built-in layouts for your reports and other generated documents, such as sales invoices. You can use applications like Microsoft Word or Excel to edit the layout templates for documents and reports, as described in the following example:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature 1. icon, enter Report Layouts, then choose the related link.

  2. On the Report Layouts page, choose the Search action to select the StandardSalesInvoice.docx layout, then choose the Export Layout action to download the layout template file.

    A Word document is saved to your device, with the same filename displayed on the Report Layouts page.

  3. Open the layout file in Microsoft Word and edit the document, for example, by moving the date field (DocumentDate) or your logo, or by changing font sizes, then save the file.

  4. Back on the Report Layouts page, choose the New Layout action.

  5. On the Add New Layout for a Report page, enter a name and description on the Layout Name and Description fields, respectively, to make the layout easy to find.

  6. Select the Word option in the Format Options field, then choose OK.

  7. On the Choose Word Layout page, select Choose to open the edited layout file on your device.

  8. Test the new layout by choosing the Run Report action.

Learn more about how to customize reports and documents to your business needs at Report and Document Layouts.

See also

Use Reports in Daily Work
Available Reports in Business Central
Document Report Selection
Business Central Quick Starts

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