

Power BI Manufacturing app KPIs and measures

APPLIES TO: Generally available in Business Central 2024 release wave 2 (version 25.1).

This page provides a list of all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) included in the semantic model for the Power BI Manufacturing report.

Explore the list of KPIs below to learn more about how they can help you achieve your business goals.

Each KPI is described, including how it is calculated and what data was used in the calculations.

Capacity KPIs

Capacity Cost Amt. Deviation%


Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry

Capacity Cost Amt. Variance


Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Capacity Used Deviation%


Capacity Used Deviation = ( Capacity Used (Hours) - Expected Capacity Need (Hours) ) / Expected Capacity Need (Hours)

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Capacity Used Variance (Hours)


Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line
  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Direct Cost Deviation%


Direct Cost Deviation = ( Direct Cost - Expected Operation Cost Amt. ) / Expected Operation Cost Amt.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line
  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Direct Cost Variance


Direct Cost Variance = Expected Operation Cost Amt. - Direct Cost

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line
  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Expected Capacity Need%


Expected Capacity Need % = Expected Capacity Need (Hours) / Capacity Available (Hours) Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line
  • Calendar Entry



Data Sources

  • Calendar Entry
  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Overhead Cost Deviation%

Overhead Cost Deviation % = ( Overhead Cost - Expected Capacity Ovhd. Cost ) / Expected Capacity Ovhd. Cost

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line
  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Overhead Cost Variance


Overhead Cost Variance = Expected Capacity Ovhd. Cost - Overhead Cost

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line
  • Capacity Ledger Entry



Scrap % = Capacity Scrap Qty. / Capacity Output Qty.

Data Source

  • Capacity Ledger Entry



Utilization % = Capacity Used (Hours) / Capacity Available (Hours)

Data Source

  • Capacity Ledger Entry
  • Calendar Entry

Capacity Measures

Allocated Time (Hours)


  • This measure shows the amount of time in hours that are allocated for production order routing lines by summing up all the allocated time values from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Capacity Need
  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Capacity Available (Hours)


  • This measure shows the total amount of available capacity in hours by summing up all capacity available values from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Calendar Entry

Capacity Cost Amt. (Actual)


  • This measure calculates the actual cost of capacity utilization for a given period by summing up the Direct Cost and the Overhead Cost. The Direct Cost represents the direct expenses incurred in producing a product, while the Overhead Cost represents the indirect expenses incurred in producing a product, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance.

    Capacity Cost Amt. (Actual) = Direct Cost + Overhead Cost

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Capacity Output Qty.


  • This measure calculates the total Capacity Output Quantity in a given period by summing up the output quantity for each capacity ledger entry from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Capacity Scrap Qty.


  • This measure calculates the total scrap quantity in a given period by summing up the scrap quantity for each capacity ledger entry from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Capacity Used (Hours)


  • This measure shows the total number of capacity hours used by summing up the capacity requirement for each production activity from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Capacity Used per Unit (Hours)


Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Direct Cost


  • This measure calculates the direct cost by summing up the Direct Cost for each capacity ledger entry from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Expected Capacity Cost Amount


  • This measure calculates the expected cost of capacity utilization for a given period by summing up the Expected Operation Cost Amount and the Expected Capacity Overhead Cost. The Expected Operation Cost Amount represents the expected cost of operating the equipment or machinery used in production, while the Expected Capacity Overhead Cost represents the expected cost of indirect resources used in production, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance.

    Expected Capacity Cost Amount = Expected Operation Cost Amount + Expected Capacity Overhead Cost

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Expected Capacity Need (Hours)


  • This measure shows the expected total capacity required for production by summing up the expected capacity need (in hours) for each production activity from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Expected Capacity Ovhd. Cost


  • This measure calculates the Expected Capacity Ovhd. Cost by summing up the Expected Capacity Ovhd. Cost for each Prod. Order Routing Line from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Expected Operation Cost Amt.


  • This measure calculates the Expected Operation Cost Amt. by summing up the Expected Operation Cost Amt. for each Prod. Order Routing Line from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Routing Line

Overhead Cost


  • This measure calculates the Overhead Cost by summing up the Overhead Cost for each Capacity Ledger Entry from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Run Time (Hours)


  • This measure calculates the Run Time (Hours) by summing up the Run Time (Hr.) for each Capacity Ledger Entry from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Run Time per Unit (Hours)


Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Setup Time (Hours)


  • This measure calculates the Setup Time (Hours) by summing up the Setup Time (Hr.) for each Capacity Ledger Entry from the Production Data table

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Setup Time per Unit (Hours)


Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Stop Time (Hours)


  • This measure calculates the Stop Time (Hours) by summing up the Stop Time (Hr.) for each Capacity Ledger Entry from the Production Data table

Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Stop Time per Unit (Hours)


Data Sources

  • Capacity Ledger Entry

Consumption KPIs


Qty. Consumed (Base) / Expected Consumption Qty. (Base)

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Component

%Consumed Rem.

Rem. Qty. to Consume (Base) / Expected Consumption Qty. (Base)

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component

Consumption Cost Amt. Deviation%


Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Component

Consumption Cost Amt. Variance


Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component
  • Item Ledger Entry

Consumption Qty. Deviation%

( Qty. Consumed (Base) - Expected Consumption Qty. (Base) ) / Expected Consumption Qty. (Base)

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component
  • Item Ledger Entry

Consumption Qty. Variance

Expected Consumption Qty. (Base) - Qty. Consumed (Base)

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component
  • Item Ledger Entry

Consumption Measures

Consumed Cost Amount (Actual)


  • This measure shows the actual cost of consumed items for a given period by summing up the actual cost of each item used in production. To calculate this cost amount, the measure calculates the sum of the actual cost of items consumed from the Production Data Table, filtered for the Consumption data source.

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry

Expected Consumption Cost Amount


  • This measure shows the expected cost of consumed items for a given period by summing up the expected consumption cost of each item used in production. To calculate this cost amount, the measure multiplies the expected consumption quantity of each item by its related unit cost and then sums up the results from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component

Expected Consumption Qty. (Base)


  • This measure calculates the expected consumption quantity by summing up the Expected Consumption Qty. (Base) for each Prod. Order Component from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component

Qty. Consumed (Base)


  • This measure calculates the quantity consumed by summing up Quantity for each consumption Item Ledger Entry from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry

Rem. Consumption Cost Amt.


  • The Rem. Consumption Cost Amt. measure calculates the total remaining consumption cost for production order components. It filters the Production Data Table to include only rows where the [Data Source] is Prod. Order Component. For these rows, it multiplies the Rem. Qty. to Consume (Base) by the Unit Cost (LCY) from the related Item table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component
  • Item

Rem. Qty. to Consume (Base)


  • This measure calculates the remaining quantity to consume by summing up Remaining Qty. (Base) for each consumption Prod. Order Component from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Component

Output KPIs


% Finished = ( Finished Quantity (Base) / Expected Quantity (Base) )

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Line


% Remaining = ( Remaining Qty. (Base) / Expected Quantity (Base) )

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Line

Cost Amt. Deviation%


Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Line

Cost Amt. Variance


Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Line

Qty. Deviation%


Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Line

Qty. Variance


  • This measure calculates the variance between the expected quantity and the actual quantity produced.

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry
  • Prod. Order Line

Output Measures

Expected Cost Amt.


  • This measure shows the total expected cost amount by multiplying the quantity (in base units) for each production order line from the Production Data Table by the unit cost (in local currency) for the corresponding item, and summing up the results.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Line

Expected Quantity (Base)


  • This measure calculates the total expected quantity (in base units) for a given period by summing up the base quantity for each production order line from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Line

Finished Cost Amt. (Actual)


  • This measure shows total actual cost amount for finished goods produced by summing up the actual cost amount for each output item ledger entry from the Production Data Table.

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry

Finished Quantity (Base)


  • This measure calculates the total quantity of finished products produced in base units over a given period by summing up all the output quantities from the Production Data table.

Data Sources

  • Item Ledger Entry

Remaining Cost Amt.


  • This measure calculates the total remaining cost for production order lines. It filters the Production Data Table to include only rows where [Data Source] is Prod. Order Line. For each of these rows, it multiplies [Remaining Qty. (Base)] by the [Unit Cost (LCY)] from the related Item table.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Line.
  • Item

Remaining Qty. (Base)


  • This measure calculates the total remaining quantity for production order lines. It sums the [Remaining Qty. (Base)] column in the Production Data Table, but only for rows where [Data Source] is Prod. Order Line.

Data Sources

  • Prod. Order Line


You can easily track the KPIs that the Power BI reports display against your business objectives. To learn more, go to Track your business KPIs with Power BI metrics.

See also

Track your business KPIs with Power BI metrics
Power BI Manufacturing app
Built-in production reports
Manufacturing overview

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