

MinOccurs Property

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Sets the minimum number of times that an element can occur.

Applies to

  • Xml Port Text Element
  • Xml Port Field Element
  • Xml Port Table Element

Property value

Value Available or changed with Description
Zero runtime version 1.0 There is no minimum number of occurences.
Once runtime version 1.0 The element must occur at least once.


MinOccurs = Zero;


The maximum number of times an element can appear is determined by the value of the MaxOccurs Property. The MinOccurs and MaxOccurs properties conform to the standard occurrence constraints that are used when defining XML schemas.

If you use Lazy API for XML (LAX), then the minimum number is 1. If you do not use LAX, then the minimum number is 0.

The maximum number can be either 1 or infinite.

MaxOccurs Property