

Set Up a Colored Indicator on Cues for the Company or Individual Users

As an administrator, you can set up Cues that appear on the users' Role Centers to include an indicator that changes color based on the data values in the Cues.

The indicator appears as a colored bar along the top border of the Cue tile. It provides a visual signal of the status of the Cue's activity, which can indicate favorable or unfavorable conditions to prompt the user to take action. For example, if a Cue displays ongoing sales invoices, you can set up the indicator to appear green (favorable) when total number of ongoing sales invoices is below 10, and appears red (unfavorable) when the total is greater than 20.

From the Cue Setup page, you set up indicators for all the Cues that are available in the company database. You can set up the indicators to apply to all users in the company or an individual user only. The indicator settings on the Cue Setup page act as the default indicator settings. If the Cue Setup End User page is made available to users, then they can personalize the indicators settings that you define on the Cue Setup page.

To set up the indicator, you specify up to two threshold values that define three ranges of data values (low, middle, and high) to which you can apply a different color (or style).

To set up colored indicators on Cues

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Cue Setup, and then choose the related link.

    The Cue Setup page appears. The page lists the indicators that are currently setup up on Cues. Indicators that apply to all users in the company have a blank User Name field. Indicators that apply to a specific user include the user's name in the User Name field.


    If you set up a company-wide indicator and a user modifies the indicator later on, then a separate entry for the indicator appears in list for that user.

  2. Choose Edit List action.

  3. To set up an indicator for a Cue that is not listed on the page, choose the New action, and then fill in the fields as described in the following. If you want to modify an existing indicator, go to the next step.

    Field Description
    User Name If you want to set up the indicator for all users, leave this field blank.

    If you want to set up the indicator for a specific user, then set this field to the user name.
    Table No Specifies the ID of the table object that contains the Cue. Use the drop down list to find the table. The drop down list includes all Cue tables in the company database.

    The Table Name field will be automatically filled in based on your selection.
    Field No Specifies the ID of the Cue that you want to set up an indicator on. Use the drop down list to find the Cue that you want. Note: The Cue ID corresponds to the field number that is assigned to the Cue in the table.

    The Field Name field is automatically filled in based on your selection
  4. To set up the indicator for a Cue, set the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    LowStyle Specifies the color of the indicator when the Cue's value is below the value of the Threshold 1 field.
    LowThreshold Specifies the value at or above which the indicator changes to the color specified by the Middle Range Style field.
    MiddleStyle Specifies the color of the indicator when Cue's value is greater than or equal to the value of the Threshold 1 field but less than or equal to the value of the Threshold 2 field.
    HighThreshold Specifies the value above which the indicator changes to the color specified by the High Range Style field.
    HighStyle Specifies the color to use when the Cue's value is above the value of the Threshold 2 field.

    The following table lists the colors that correspond to the options of the LowStyle, MiddleStyle, and HighStyle fields.

    Option Color
    None No color (same color as the Cue tile)
    Favorable Green
    Unfavorable Red
    Ambiguous Yellow
    Subordinate Gray

See Also

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