
Ability to test-send dynamic email messages


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Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Admins, makers, or analysts, automatically - - This feature is released. Apr 1, 2020

Business value

With Dynamics 365 Marketing, you can design visually rich email messages that include personalized dynamic content. But these messages require careful testing to account for variation in email client rendering and to confirm that dynamic content is accurate. Improved test-send functionality enables you to preview and test your messages before going into production, ensuring that your messages are consistent.

Feature details

  • Upgraded error detection: Improved error checking for outgoing test messages.
  • Test-send dynamic content: Test-send messages with fully rendered dynamic content (including dynamic field values, entity relationships, loops, and conditionals) based on a selected sample contact record.

Personalized dynamic data in a test message

See also

Send a test message (docs)