
方法: CSV テキスト ファイルの列値を計算する (LINQ) (Visual Basic)

この例では、合計、平均、最小、最大などの集計計算を .csv ファイルの列に対して実行する方法について説明します。 ここで説明する例の原則は、他の種類の構造化テキストにも適用できます。

ソース ファイルを作成するには

  1. 次の行を scores.csv という名前のファイルにコピーし、プロジェクト フォルダーに保存します。 最初の列は学生 ID、それに続く列は 4 つの試験の点数を表していると仮定します。

    111, 97, 92, 81, 60
    112, 75, 84, 91, 39
    113, 88, 94, 65, 91
    114, 97, 89, 85, 82
    115, 35, 72, 91, 70
    116, 99, 86, 90, 94
    117, 93, 92, 80, 87
    118, 92, 90, 83, 78
    119, 68, 79, 88, 92
    120, 99, 82, 81, 79
    121, 96, 85, 91, 60
    122, 94, 92, 91, 91

Class SumColumns

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        Dim lines As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("../../../scores.csv")

        ' Specifies the column to compute
        ' This value could be passed in at run time.
        Dim exam = 3

        ' Spreadsheet format:
        ' Student ID    Exam#1  Exam#2  Exam#3  Exam#4
        ' 111,          97,     92,     81,     60
        ' one is added to skip over the first column
        ' which holds the student ID.
        SumColumn(lines, exam + 1)

        ' Keep the console window open in debug mode.
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...")

    End Sub

    Shared Sub SumColumn(ByVal lines As IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal col As Integer)

        ' This query performs two steps:
        ' split the string into a string array
        ' convert the specified element to
        ' integer and select it.
        Dim columnQuery = From line In lines
                           Let x = line.Split(",")
                           Select Convert.ToInt32(x(col))

        ' Execute and cache the results for performance.
        ' Only needed with very large files.
        Dim results = columnQuery.ToList()

        ' Perform aggregate calculations
        ' on the column specified by col.
        Dim avgScore = Aggregate score In results Into Average(score)
        Dim minScore = Aggregate score In results Into Min(score)
        Dim maxScore = Aggregate score In results Into Max(score)

        Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:")
        Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0}: Average:{1:##.##} High Score:{2} Low Score:{3}",
                     col, avgScore, maxScore, minScore)

    End Sub

    Shared Sub MultiColumns(ByVal lines As IEnumerable(Of String))

        Console.WriteLine("Multi Column Query:")

        ' Create the query. It will produce nested sequences.
        ' multiColQuery performs these steps:
        ' 1) convert the string to a string array
        ' 2) skip over the "Student ID" column and take the rest
        ' 3) convert each field to an int and select that
        '    entire sequence as one row in the results.
        Dim multiColQuery = From line In lines
                            Let fields = line.Split(",")
                            Select From str In fields Skip 1
                                        Select Convert.ToInt32(str)

        Dim results = multiColQuery.ToList()

        ' Find out how many columns we have.
        Dim columnCount = results(0).Count()

        ' Perform aggregate calculations on each column.
        ' One loop for each score column in scores.
        ' We can use a for loop because we have already
        ' executed the multiColQuery in the call to ToList.

        For j As Integer = 0 To columnCount - 1
            Dim column = j
            Dim res2 = From row In results
                       Select row.ElementAt(column)

            ' Perform aggregate calculations
            ' on the column specified by col.
            Dim avgScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Average(score)
            Dim minScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Min(score)
            Dim maxScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Max(score)

            ' Add 1 to column numbers because exams in this course start with #1
            Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0} Average: {1:##.##} High Score: {2} Low Score: {3}",
                              column + 1, avgScore, maxScore, minScore)

    End Sub

End Class
' Output:
' Single Column Query:
' Exam #4: Average:76.92 High Score:94 Low Score:39

' Multi Column Query:
' Exam #1 Average: 86.08 High Score: 99 Low Score: 35
' Exam #2 Average: 86.42 High Score: 94 Low Score: 72
' Exam #3 Average: 84.75 High Score: 91 Low Score: 65
' Exam #4 Average: 76.92 High Score: 94 Low Score: 39

このクエリでは、Split メソッドを使用してテキストの各行が配列に変換されます。 各配列要素が列を表します。 最終的に、各列のテキストが数値表記に変換されます。 ファイルがタブ区切りファイルの場合、Split メソッドの引数を \t に変更します。


System.Linq 名前空間の Imports ステートメントを使用して、Visual Basic コンソール アプリケーション プロジェクトを作成します。
