
方法: PrintTickets を検証およびマージする

Microsoft Windows 印刷スキーマ には、柔軟で拡張可能な PrintCapabilities 要素と PrintTicket 要素が含まれています。 前者は印刷デバイスの機能を明細化し、後者はデバイスがドキュメント、個々のドキュメント、または個々のページの特定のシーケンスに関してこれらの機能をどのように使用するかを指定します。


  1. プリンターの機能を決定します。

  2. これらの機能を使用するように PrintTicket を構成します。

  3. PrintTicketを検証します。


次の簡単な例では、プリンターが両面印刷 (両面印刷) をサポートできるかどうかにのみ関心があります。 主な手順は次のとおりです。

  1. GetPrintCapabilities メソッドを使用して PrintCapabilities オブジェクトを取得します。

  2. 目的の機能が存在するかをテストします。 次の例では、PrintCapabilities オブジェクトの DuplexingCapability プロパティをテストして、用紙の両側に印刷する機能と、シートの長い側に沿った "ページの回転" をテストします。 DuplexingCapability はコレクションであるため、ReadOnlyCollection<T>Contains メソッドを使用します。


    この手順は厳密には必要ありません。 以下で使用する MergeAndValidatePrintTicket メソッドは、PrintTicket の各要求をプリンターの機能と照合します。 要求された機能がプリンターでサポートされていない場合、プリンター ドライバーは、メソッドによって返される PrintTicket の代替要求を置き換える。

  3. プリンターが二重化をサポートしている場合、サンプル コードは二重化を要求する PrintTicket を作成します。 ただし、アプリケーションでは、PrintTicket 要素で使用可能なすべてのプリンター設定が指定されているわけではありません。 プログラマとプログラムの両方の時間が無駄になります。 代わりに、コードは二重化要求のみを設定し、この PrintTicket を既存の完全に構成および検証された PrintTicket(この場合はユーザーの既定の PrintTicket) とマージします。

  4. したがって、このサンプルでは、MergeAndValidatePrintTicket メソッドを呼び出して、新しい最小 PrintTicket をユーザーの既定の PrintTicketにマージします。 この操作は、新しい PrintTicket をプロパティの 1 つとして含む ValidationResult を返します。

  5. このサンプルは次に、新しい PrintTicket がデュプレックスを要求することをテストします。 もしそうなら、そのサンプルはユーザーの新しい標準の印刷チケットになります。 上記の手順 2 が省略されていて、プリンターが長い側に沿った二重化をサポートしていない場合は、テストで falseが発生します。 (上記の注意事項を参照してください。

  6. 最後の重要な手順は、Commit メソッドを使用して、PrintQueueUserPrintTicket プロパティに変更をコミットすることです。

/// <summary>
/// Changes the user-default PrintTicket setting of the specified print queue.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="queue">the printer whose user-default PrintTicket setting needs to be changed</param>
static private void ChangePrintTicketSetting(PrintQueue queue)
    // Obtain the printer's PrintCapabilities so we can determine whether or not
    // duplexing printing is supported by the printer.
    PrintCapabilities printcap = queue.GetPrintCapabilities();

    // The printer's duplexing capability is returned as a read-only collection of duplexing options
    // that can be supported by the printer. If the collection returned contains the duplexing
    // option we want to set, it means the duplexing option we want to set is supported by the printer,
    // so we can make the user-default PrintTicket setting change.
    if (printcap.DuplexingCapability.Contains(Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge))
        // To change the user-default PrintTicket, we can first create a delta PrintTicket with
        // the new duplexing setting.
        PrintTicket deltaTicket = new PrintTicket();
        deltaTicket.Duplexing = Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge;

        // Then merge the delta PrintTicket onto the printer's current user-default PrintTicket,
        // and validate the merged PrintTicket to get the new PrintTicket we want to set as the
        // printer's new user-default PrintTicket.
        ValidationResult result = queue.MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(queue.UserPrintTicket, deltaTicket);

        // The duplexing option we want to set could be constrained by other PrintTicket settings
        // or device settings. We can check the validated merged PrintTicket to see whether the
        // the validation process has kept the duplexing option we want to set unchanged.
        if (result.ValidatedPrintTicket.Duplexing == Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge)
            // Set the printer's user-default PrintTicket and commit the set operation.
            queue.UserPrintTicket = result.ValidatedPrintTicket;
            Console.WriteLine("PrintTicket new duplexing setting is set on '{0}'.", queue.FullName);
            // The duplexing option we want to set has been changed by the validation process
            // when it was resolving setting constraints.
            Console.WriteLine("PrintTicket new duplexing setting is constrained on '{0}'.", queue.FullName);
        // If the printer doesn't support the duplexing option we want to set, skip it.
        Console.WriteLine("PrintTicket new duplexing setting is not supported on '{0}'.", queue.FullName);
''' <summary>
''' Changes the user-default PrintTicket setting of the specified print queue.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="queue">the printer whose user-default PrintTicket setting needs to be changed</param>
Private Shared Sub ChangePrintTicketSetting(ByVal queue As PrintQueue)
    ' Obtain the printer's PrintCapabilities so we can determine whether or not
    ' duplexing printing is supported by the printer.
    Dim printcap As PrintCapabilities = queue.GetPrintCapabilities()

    ' The printer's duplexing capability is returned as a read-only collection of duplexing options
    ' that can be supported by the printer. If the collection returned contains the duplexing
    ' option we want to set, it means the duplexing option we want to set is supported by the printer,
    ' so we can make the user-default PrintTicket setting change.
    If printcap.DuplexingCapability.Contains(Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge) Then
        ' To change the user-default PrintTicket, we can first create a delta PrintTicket with
        ' the new duplexing setting.
        Dim deltaTicket As New PrintTicket()
        deltaTicket.Duplexing = Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge

        ' Then merge the delta PrintTicket onto the printer's current user-default PrintTicket,
        ' and validate the merged PrintTicket to get the new PrintTicket we want to set as the
        ' printer's new user-default PrintTicket.
        Dim result As ValidationResult = queue.MergeAndValidatePrintTicket(queue.UserPrintTicket, deltaTicket)

        ' The duplexing option we want to set could be constrained by other PrintTicket settings
        ' or device settings. We can check the validated merged PrintTicket to see whether the
        ' the validation process has kept the duplexing option we want to set unchanged.
        If result.ValidatedPrintTicket.Duplexing = Duplexing.TwoSidedLongEdge Then
            ' Set the printer's user-default PrintTicket and commit the set operation.
            queue.UserPrintTicket = result.ValidatedPrintTicket
            Console.WriteLine("PrintTicket new duplexing setting is set on '{0}'.", queue.FullName)
            ' The duplexing option we want to set has been changed by the validation process
            ' when it was resolving setting constraints.
            Console.WriteLine("PrintTicket new duplexing setting is constrained on '{0}'.", queue.FullName)
        End If
        ' If the printer doesn't support the duplexing option we want to set, skip it.
        Console.WriteLine("PrintTicket new duplexing setting is not supported on '{0}'.", queue.FullName)
    End If
End Sub

この例をすばやくテストできるように、残りの部分を以下に示します。 プロジェクトと名前空間を作成し、この記事の両方のコード スニペットを名前空間ブロックに貼り付けます。

/// <summary>
/// Displays the correct command line syntax to run this sample program.
/// </summary>
static private void DisplayUsage()
    Console.WriteLine("Usage #1: printticket.exe -l \"<printer_name>\"");
    Console.WriteLine("      Run program on the specified local printer");
    Console.WriteLine("      Quotation marks may be omitted if there are no spaces in printer_name.");
    Console.WriteLine("Usage #2: printticket.exe -r \"\\\\<server_name>\\<printer_name>\"");
    Console.WriteLine("      Run program on the specified network printer");
    Console.WriteLine("      Quotation marks may be omitted if there are no spaces in server_name or printer_name.");
    Console.WriteLine("Usage #3: printticket.exe -a");
    Console.WriteLine("      Run program on all installed printers");

static public void Main(string[] args)
        if ((args.Length == 1) && (args[0] == "-a"))
            // Change PrintTicket setting for all local and network printer connections.
            LocalPrintServer server = new LocalPrintServer();

            EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes[] queue_types = {EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Local,

            // Enumerate through all the printers.
            foreach (PrintQueue queue in server.GetPrintQueues(queue_types))
                // Change the PrintTicket setting queue by queue.
        }//end if -a

        else if ((args.Length == 2) && (args[0] == "-l"))
            // Change PrintTicket setting only for the specified local printer.
            LocalPrintServer server = new LocalPrintServer();
            PrintQueue queue = new PrintQueue(server, args[1]);
        }//end if -l

        else if ((args.Length == 2) && (args[0] == "-r"))
            // Change PrintTicket setting only for the specified remote printer.
            String serverName = args[1].Remove(args[1].LastIndexOf(@"\"));
            String printerName = args[1].Remove(0, args[1].LastIndexOf(@"\")+1);
            PrintServer ps = new PrintServer(serverName);
            PrintQueue queue = new PrintQueue(ps, printerName);
         }//end if -r

            // Unrecognized command line.
            // Show user the correct command line syntax to run this sample program.
    catch (Exception e)

        // Show inner exception information if it's provided.
        if (e.InnerException != null)
            Console.WriteLine("--- Inner Exception ---");
        Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue...");
}//end Main
''' <summary>
''' Displays the correct command line syntax to run this sample program.
''' </summary>
Private Shared Sub DisplayUsage()
    Console.WriteLine("Usage #1: printticket.exe -l ""<printer_name>""")
    Console.WriteLine("      Run program on the specified local printer")
    Console.WriteLine("      Quotation marks may be omitted if there are no spaces in printer_name.")
    Console.WriteLine("Usage #2: printticket.exe -r ""\\<server_name>\<printer_name>""")
    Console.WriteLine("      Run program on the specified network printer")
    Console.WriteLine("      Quotation marks may be omitted if there are no spaces in server_name or printer_name.")
    Console.WriteLine("Usage #3: printticket.exe -a")
    Console.WriteLine("      Run program on all installed printers")
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        If (args.Length = 1) AndAlso (args(0) = "-a") Then
            ' Change PrintTicket setting for all local and network printer connections.
            Dim server As New LocalPrintServer()

            Dim queue_types() As EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes = {EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Local, EnumeratedPrintQueueTypes.Connections}

            ' Enumerate through all the printers.
            For Each queue As PrintQueue In server.GetPrintQueues(queue_types)
                ' Change the PrintTicket setting queue by queue.
            Next queue 'end if -a

        ElseIf (args.Length = 2) AndAlso (args(0) = "-l") Then
            ' Change PrintTicket setting only for the specified local printer.
            Dim server As New LocalPrintServer()
            Dim queue As New PrintQueue(server, args(1))
            ChangePrintTicketSetting(queue) 'end if -l

        ElseIf (args.Length = 2) AndAlso (args(0) = "-r") Then
            ' Change PrintTicket setting only for the specified remote printer.
            Dim serverName As String = args(1).Remove(args(1).LastIndexOf("\"))
            Dim printerName As String = args(1).Remove(0, args(1).LastIndexOf("\")+1)
            Dim ps As New PrintServer(serverName)
            Dim queue As New PrintQueue(ps, printerName)
            ChangePrintTicketSetting(queue) 'end if -r

            ' Unrecognized command line.
            ' Show user the correct command line syntax to run this sample program.
        End If
    Catch e As Exception

        ' Show inner exception information if it's provided.
        If e.InnerException IsNot Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("--- Inner Exception ---")
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("Press Return to continue...")
    End Try
End Sub
