方法: 問題のある印刷ジョブを診断する
ネットワーク管理者は、印刷ジョブが印刷されない、または印刷が遅いというユーザーからの苦情をよく処理します。 Microsoft .NET Framework の API で公開される印刷ジョブプロパティの豊富なセットは、印刷ジョブの迅速なリモート診断を実行するための手段を提供します。
ユーザーが不平を言っている印刷ジョブを特定します。 多くの場合、ユーザーはこれを正確に行うことはできません。 プリント サーバーまたはプリンターの名前がわからない可能性があります。 プリンターの場所は、Location プロパティの設定で使用されたものとは異なる用語で記述できます。 したがって、ユーザーの現在送信されているジョブの一覧を生成することをお勧めします。 複数ある場合は、ユーザーと印刷システム管理者の間の通信を使用して、問題が発生しているジョブを特定できます。 サブステップは次のとおりです。
すべてのプリント サーバーの一覧を取得します。
サーバー ループの各パス内で、すべてのサーバーのキューをループしてジョブのクエリを実行します
キュー ループの各パス内で、ジョブを繰り返し処理し、苦情を申し立てたユーザーによって送信されたジョブに関する特定の情報を収集します。
問題のある印刷ジョブが特定されたら、関連するプロパティを調べて、問題の原因を確認します。 たとえば、ジョブがエラー状態であるか、ジョブを印刷する前にキューにサービスを提供しているプリンターがオフラインになっていますか?
次のコードは、一連のコード例です。 最初のコード例には、印刷キューのループが含まれています。 (上記の手順 1c)。変数 myPrintQueues
は、現在のプリント サーバーの PrintQueueCollection オブジェクトです。
このコード例では、現在の印刷キュー オブジェクトを PrintQueue.Refreshで更新することから始めます。 これにより、オブジェクトのプロパティは、オブジェクトが表す物理プリンターの状態を正確に表します。 次に、アプリケーションは、GetPrintJobInfoCollectionを使用して、現在印刷キューにある印刷ジョブのコレクションを取得します。
次に、アプリケーションは PrintSystemJobInfo コレクションをループ処理し、各 Submitter プロパティを、苦情を申し立てたユーザーのエイリアスと比較します。 一致する場合、アプリケーションはジョブに関する識別情報を、表示される文字列に追加します。 (userName
変数と jobList
for each (PrintQueue^ pq in myPrintQueues)
PrintJobInfoCollection^ jobs = pq->GetPrintJobInfoCollection();
for each (PrintSystemJobInfo^ job in jobs)
// Since the user may not be able to articulate which job is problematic,
// present information about each job the user has submitted.
if (job->Submitter == userName)
atLeastOne = true;
jobList = jobList + "\nServer:" + line;
jobList = jobList + "\n\tQueue:" + pq->Name;
jobList = jobList + "\n\tLocation:" + pq->Location;
jobList = jobList + "\n\t\tJob: " + job->JobName + " ID: " + job->JobIdentifier;
foreach (PrintQueue pq in myPrintQueues)
PrintJobInfoCollection jobs = pq.GetPrintJobInfoCollection();
foreach (PrintSystemJobInfo job in jobs)
// Since the user may not be able to articulate which job is problematic,
// present information about each job the user has submitted.
if (job.Submitter == userName)
atLeastOne = true;
jobList = jobList + "\nServer:" + line;
jobList = jobList + "\n\tQueue:" + pq.Name;
jobList = jobList + "\n\tLocation:" + pq.Location;
jobList = jobList + "\n\t\tJob: " + job.JobName + " ID: " + job.JobIdentifier;
}// end for each print job
}// end for each print queue
For Each pq As PrintQueue In myPrintQueues
Dim jobs As PrintJobInfoCollection = pq.GetPrintJobInfoCollection()
For Each job As PrintSystemJobInfo In jobs
' Since the user may not be able to articulate which job is problematic,
' present information about each job the user has submitted.
If job.Submitter = userName Then
atLeastOne = True
jobList = jobList & vbLf & "Server:" & line
jobList = jobList & vbLf & vbTab & "Queue:" & pq.Name
jobList = jobList & vbLf & vbTab & "Location:" & pq.Location
jobList = jobList & vbLf & vbTab & vbTab & "Job: " & job.JobName & " ID: " & job.JobIdentifier
End If
Next job ' end for each print job
Next pq ' end for each print queue
次のコード例では、手順 2 でアプリケーションを選択します。 (上記を参照)。問題のあるジョブが特定され、アプリケーションによって識別される情報の入力が求められます。 この情報から、PrintServer、PrintQueue、および PrintSystemJobInfo オブジェクトが作成されます。
この時点で、アプリケーションには、印刷ジョブの状態を確認する 2 つの方法に対応する分岐構造が含まれています。
PrintJobStatus型の JobStatus プロパティのフラグを読み取ることができます。
この例では両方のメソッドを示しています。そのため、ユーザーは以前に使用するメソッドを求め、JobStatus プロパティのフラグを使用する場合は "Y" で応答しました。 2 つのメソッドの詳細については、以下を参照してください。 最後に、アプリケーションは ReportQueueAndJobAvailability と呼ばれるメソッドを使用して、ジョブをこの時間帯に印刷できるかどうかを報告します。 この方法については、「この時間帯に印刷ジョブを印刷できるかどうかを検出する」で説明します。
// When the problematic print job has been identified, enter information about it.
Console::Write("\nEnter the print server hosting the job (including leading slashes \\\\): " + "\n(press Return for the current computer \\\\{0}): ", Environment::MachineName);
String^ pServer = Console::ReadLine();
if (pServer == "")
pServer = "\\\\" + Environment::MachineName;
Console::Write("\nEnter the print queue hosting the job: ");
String^ pQueue = Console::ReadLine();
Console::Write("\nEnter the job ID: ");
Int16 jobID = Convert::ToInt16(Console::ReadLine());
// Create objects to represent the server, queue, and print job.
PrintServer^ hostingServer = gcnew PrintServer(pServer, PrintSystemDesiredAccess::AdministrateServer);
PrintQueue^ hostingQueue = gcnew PrintQueue(hostingServer, pQueue, PrintSystemDesiredAccess::AdministratePrinter);
PrintSystemJobInfo^ theJob = hostingQueue->GetJob(jobID);
if (useAttributesResponse == "Y")
// TroubleSpotter class is defined in the complete example.
} else
// When the problematic print job has been identified, enter information about it.
Console.Write("\nEnter the print server hosting the job (including leading slashes \\\\): " +
"\n(press Return for the current computer \\\\{0}): ", Environment.MachineName);
String pServer = Console.ReadLine();
if (pServer == "")
pServer = "\\\\" +Environment.MachineName;
Console.Write("\nEnter the print queue hosting the job: ");
String pQueue = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("\nEnter the job ID: ");
Int16 jobID = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
// Create objects to represent the server, queue, and print job.
PrintServer hostingServer = new PrintServer(pServer, PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministrateServer);
PrintQueue hostingQueue = new PrintQueue(hostingServer, pQueue, PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministratePrinter);
PrintSystemJobInfo theJob = hostingQueue.GetJob(jobID);
if (useAttributesResponse == "Y")
// TroubleSpotter class is defined in the complete example.
' When the problematic print job has been identified, enter information about it.
Console.Write(vbLf & "Enter the print server hosting the job (including leading slashes \\): " & vbLf & "(press Return for the current computer \\{0}): ", Environment.MachineName)
Dim pServer As String = Console.ReadLine()
If pServer = "" Then
pServer = "\\" & Environment.MachineName
End If
Console.Write(vbLf & "Enter the print queue hosting the job: ")
Dim pQueue As String = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write(vbLf & "Enter the job ID: ")
Dim jobID As Int16 = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine())
' Create objects to represent the server, queue, and print job.
Dim hostingServer As New PrintServer(pServer, PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministrateServer)
Dim hostingQueue As New PrintQueue(hostingServer, pQueue, PrintSystemDesiredAccess.AdministratePrinter)
Dim theJob As PrintSystemJobInfo = hostingQueue.GetJob(jobID)
If useAttributesResponse = "Y" Then
' TroubleSpotter class is defined in the complete example.
End If
JobStatus プロパティのフラグを使用して印刷ジョブの状態を確認するには、関連する各フラグが設定されているかどうかを確認します。 一方のビットが一連のビット フラグで設定されているかどうかを確認する標準的な方法は、フラグのセットを 1 つのオペランドとして、フラグ自体を他方として論理 AND 演算を実行することです。 フラグ自体には 1 つのビットしか設定されていないので、論理 AND の結果は、最大でも同じビットが設定されます。 それがそうでないかどうかを調べるには、論理 AND の結果をフラグ自体と比較するだけです。 詳細については、PrintJobStatus、& 演算子 (C# リファレンス)、および FlagsAttributeを参照してください。
ビットが設定されている各属性について、コードはこれをコンソール画面に報告し、応答する方法を提案する場合があります。 (HandlePausedJob ジョブまたはキューが一時停止した場合に呼び出されるメソッドについては、以下で説明します)。
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
static void SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes (PrintSystemJobInfo^ theJob)
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Blocked) == PrintJobStatus::Blocked)
Console::WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Completed) == PrintJobStatus::Completed)
((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Printed) == PrintJobStatus::Printed))
Console::WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Deleted) == PrintJobStatus::Deleted)
((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Deleting) == PrintJobStatus::Deleting))
Console::WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Error) == PrintJobStatus::Error)
Console::WriteLine("The job has errored.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Offline) == PrintJobStatus::Offline)
Console::WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::PaperOut) == PrintJobStatus::PaperOut)
Console::WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Paused) == PrintJobStatus::Paused)
((theJob->HostingPrintQueue->QueueStatus & PrintQueueStatus::Paused) == PrintQueueStatus::Paused))
//HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Printing) == PrintJobStatus::Printing)
Console::WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Spooling) == PrintJobStatus::Spooling)
Console::WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::UserIntervention) == PrintJobStatus::UserIntervention)
Console::WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
internal static void SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes(PrintSystemJobInfo theJob)
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Blocked) == PrintJobStatus.Blocked)
Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Completed) == PrintJobStatus.Completed)
((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Printed) == PrintJobStatus.Printed))
Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Deleted) == PrintJobStatus.Deleted)
((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Deleting) == PrintJobStatus.Deleting))
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Error) == PrintJobStatus.Error)
Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Offline) == PrintJobStatus.Offline)
Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.PaperOut) == PrintJobStatus.PaperOut)
Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Paused) == PrintJobStatus.Paused)
((theJob.HostingPrintQueue.QueueStatus & PrintQueueStatus.Paused) == PrintQueueStatus.Paused))
//HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Printing) == PrintJobStatus.Printing)
Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Spooling) == PrintJobStatus.Spooling)
Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention) == PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention)
Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
}//end SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes
' Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
Friend Shared Sub SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes(ByVal theJob As PrintSystemJobInfo)
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Blocked) = PrintJobStatus.Blocked Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.")
End If
If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Completed) = PrintJobStatus.Completed) OrElse ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Printed) = PrintJobStatus.Printed) Then
Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.")
End If
If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Deleted) = PrintJobStatus.Deleted) OrElse ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Deleting) = PrintJobStatus.Deleting) Then
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Error) = PrintJobStatus.Error Then
Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Offline) = PrintJobStatus.Offline Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.PaperOut) = PrintJobStatus.PaperOut Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.")
End If
If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Paused) = PrintJobStatus.Paused) OrElse ((theJob.HostingPrintQueue.QueueStatus And PrintQueueStatus.Paused) = PrintQueueStatus.Paused) Then
'HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Printing) = PrintJobStatus.Printing Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Spooling) = PrintJobStatus.Spooling Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention) = PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.")
End If
End Sub
個別のプロパティを使用して印刷ジョブの状態を確認するには、各プロパティを読み取り、プロパティが true
場合はコンソール画面に報告し、場合によっては応答方法を提案します。 (HandlePausedJob ジョブまたはキューが一時停止した場合に呼び出されるメソッドについては、以下で説明します)。
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using its properties
static void SpotTroubleUsingProperties (PrintSystemJobInfo^ theJob)
if (theJob->IsBlocked)
Console::WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
if (theJob->IsCompleted || theJob->IsPrinted)
Console::WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
if (theJob->IsDeleted || theJob->IsDeleting)
Console::WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
if (theJob->IsInError)
Console::WriteLine("The job has errored.");
if (theJob->IsOffline)
Console::WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
if (theJob->IsPaperOut)
Console::WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
if (theJob->IsPaused || theJob->HostingPrintQueue->IsPaused)
//HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
if (theJob->IsPrinting)
Console::WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
if (theJob->IsSpooling)
Console::WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
if (theJob->IsUserInterventionRequired)
Console::WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using its properties
internal static void SpotTroubleUsingProperties(PrintSystemJobInfo theJob)
if (theJob.IsBlocked)
Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
if (theJob.IsCompleted || theJob.IsPrinted)
Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
if (theJob.IsDeleted || theJob.IsDeleting)
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
if (theJob.IsInError)
Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.");
if (theJob.IsOffline)
Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
if (theJob.IsPaperOut)
Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
if (theJob.IsPaused || theJob.HostingPrintQueue.IsPaused)
//HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
if (theJob.IsPrinting)
Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
if (theJob.IsSpooling)
Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
if (theJob.IsUserInterventionRequired)
Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
}//end SpotTroubleUsingProperties
' Check for possible trouble states of a print job using its properties
Friend Shared Sub SpotTroubleUsingProperties(ByVal theJob As PrintSystemJobInfo)
If theJob.IsBlocked Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.")
End If
If theJob.IsCompleted OrElse theJob.IsPrinted Then
Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.")
End If
If theJob.IsDeleted OrElse theJob.IsDeleting Then
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.")
End If
If theJob.IsInError Then
Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.")
End If
If theJob.IsOffline Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.")
End If
If theJob.IsPaperOut Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.")
End If
If theJob.IsPaused OrElse theJob.HostingPrintQueue.IsPaused Then
'HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
End If
If theJob.IsPrinting Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.")
End If
If theJob.IsSpooling Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.")
End If
If theJob.IsUserInterventionRequired Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.")
End If
End Sub
HandlePausedJob メソッドを使用すると、アプリケーションのユーザーは一時停止したジョブをリモートで再開できます。 印刷キューが一時停止された理由は十分にある可能性があるため、このメソッドはまず、再開するかどうかのユーザー決定を求めることから始まります。 答えが "Y" の場合は、PrintQueue.Resume メソッドが呼び出されます。
次に、印刷キューとは別に一時停止された場合に備えて、ジョブ自体を再開するかどうかを決定するように求められます。 (PrintQueue.IsPaused と PrintSystemJobInfo.IsPausedを比較します。答えが"Y"の場合、PrintSystemJobInfo.Resume が呼び出されます。それ以外の場合は Cancel が呼び出されます。
static void HandlePausedJob (PrintSystemJobInfo^ theJob)
// If there's no good reason for the queue to be paused, resume it and
// give user choice to resume or cancel the job.
Console::WriteLine("The user or someone with administrative rights to the queue" + "\nhas paused the job or queue." + "\nResume the queue? (Has no effect if queue is not paused.)" + "\nEnter \"Y\" to resume, otherwise press return: ");
String^ resume = Console::ReadLine();
if (resume == "Y")
// It is possible the job is also paused. Find out how the user wants to handle that.
Console::WriteLine("Does user want to resume print job or cancel it?" + "\nEnter \"Y\" to resume (any other key cancels the print job): ");
String^ userDecision = Console::ReadLine();
if (userDecision == "Y")
} else
internal static void HandlePausedJob(PrintSystemJobInfo theJob)
// If there's no good reason for the queue to be paused, resume it and
// give user choice to resume or cancel the job.
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administrative rights to the queue" +
"\nhas paused the job or queue." +
"\nResume the queue? (Has no effect if queue is not paused.)" +
"\nEnter \"Y\" to resume, otherwise press return: ");
String resume = Console.ReadLine();
if (resume == "Y")
// It is possible the job is also paused. Find out how the user wants to handle that.
Console.WriteLine("Does user want to resume print job or cancel it?" +
"\nEnter \"Y\" to resume (any other key cancels the print job): ");
String userDecision = Console.ReadLine();
if (userDecision == "Y")
}//end if the queue should be resumed
}//end HandlePausedJob
Friend Shared Sub HandlePausedJob(ByVal theJob As PrintSystemJobInfo)
' If there's no good reason for the queue to be paused, resume it and
' give user choice to resume or cancel the job.
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administrative rights to the queue" & vbLf & "has paused the job or queue." & vbLf & "Resume the queue? (Has no effect if queue is not paused.)" & vbLf & "Enter ""Y"" to resume, otherwise press return: ")
Dim [resume] As String = Console.ReadLine()
If [resume] = "Y" Then
' It is possible the job is also paused. Find out how the user wants to handle that.
Console.WriteLine("Does user want to resume print job or cancel it?" & vbLf & "Enter ""Y"" to resume (any other key cancels the print job): ")
Dim userDecision As String = Console.ReadLine()
If userDecision = "Y" Then
End If
End If 'end if the queue should be resumed
End Sub
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