C# if
statements and loops - conditional logic tutorial
This tutorial teaches you how to write C# code that examines variables and changes the execution path based on those variables. You write C# code and see the results of compiling and running it. The tutorial contains a series of lessons that explore branching and looping constructs in C#. These lessons teach you the fundamentals of the C# language.
When a code snippet block includes the "Run" button, that button opens the interactive window, or replaces the existing code in the interactive window. When the snippet doesn't include a "Run" button, you can copy the code and add it to the current interactive window.
Run the following code in the interactive window. Select Run:
int a = 5;
int b = 6;
if (a + b > 10)
Console.WriteLine("The answer is greater than 10.");
Modify the declaration of b
so that the sum is less than 10:
int b = 3;
Select the Run button again. Because the answer is less than 10, nothing is printed. The condition you're testing is false. You don't have any code to execute because you only wrote one of the possible branches for an if
statement: the true branch.
As you explore C# (or any programming language), you make mistakes when you write code. The compiler finds those errors and report them to you. When the output contains error messages, look closely at the example code, and the code in the interactive window to see what to fix. That exercise helps you learn the structure of C# code.
This first sample shows the power of if
and boolean types. A boolean is a variable that can have one of two values: true
or false
. C# defines a special type, bool
for boolean variables. The if
statement checks the value of a bool
. When the value is true
, the statement following the if
executes. Otherwise, it's skipped.
This process of checking conditions and executing statements based on those conditions is powerful. Let's explore more.
Make if and else work together
To execute different code in both the true and false branches, you create an else
branch that executes when the condition is false. Try the following code:
int a = 5;
int b = 3;
if (a + b > 10)
Console.WriteLine("The answer is greater than 10");
Console.WriteLine("The answer is not greater than 10");
The statement following the else
keyword executes only when the condition being tested is false
. Combining if
and else
with boolean conditions provides all the power you need.
The indentation under the if
and else
statements is for human readers. The C# language doesn't treat indentation or white space as significant. The statement following the if
or else
keyword executes based on the condition. All the samples in this tutorial follow a common practice to indent lines based on the control flow of statements.
Because indentation isn't significant, you need to use {
and }
to indicate when you want more than one statement to be part of the block that executes conditionally. C# programmers typically use those braces on all if
and else
clauses. The following example is the same as what you created. Try it.
int a = 5;
int b = 3;
if (a + b > 10)
Console.WriteLine("The answer is greater than 10");
Console.WriteLine("The answer is not greater than 10");
Through the rest of this tutorial, the code samples all include the braces, following accepted practices.
You can test more complicated conditions:
int a = 5;
int b = 3;
int c = 4;
if ((a + b + c > 10) && (a == b))
Console.WriteLine("The answer is greater than 10");
Console.WriteLine("And the first number is equal to the second");
Console.WriteLine("The answer is not greater than 10");
Console.WriteLine("Or the first number is not equal to the second");
The ==
symbol tests for equality. Using ==
distinguishes the test for equality from assignment, which you saw in a = 5
The &&
represents "and". It means both conditions must be true to execute the statement in the true branch. These examples also show that you can have multiple statements in each conditional branch, provided you enclose them in {
and }
You can also use ||
to represent "or":
if ((a + b + c > 10) || (a == b))
Modify the values of a
, b
, and c
and switch between &&
and ||
to explore. You gain more understanding of how the &&
and ||
operators work.
Use loops to repeat operations
Another important concept to create larger programs is loops. You use loops to repeat statements that you want executed more than once. Try this code in the interactive window:
int counter = 0;
while (counter < 10)
Console.WriteLine($"Hello World! The counter is {counter}");
The while
statement checks a condition and executes the statement following the while
. It repeats checking the condition and executing those statements until the condition is false.
There's one other new operator in this example. The ++
after the counter
variable is the increment operator. It adds 1 to the value of counter, and stores that value in the counter variable.
Make sure that the while
loop condition does switch to false as you execute the code. Otherwise, you create an infinite loop where your program never ends. Let's
not demonstrate that, because the engine that runs your code times out and you see no output from your program.
The while
loop tests the condition before executing the code following the while
. The do
... while
loop executes the code first, and then checks the condition. It looks like this:
int counter = 0;
Console.WriteLine($"Hello World! The counter is {counter}");
} while (counter < 10);
This do
loop and the earlier while
loop work the same.
Let's move on to one last loop statement.
Work with the for loop
Another common loop statement that you see in C# code is the for
loop. Try this code in the interactive window:
for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++)
Console.WriteLine($"Hello World! The counter is {counter}");
The preceding for
loop does the same work as the while
loop and the do
loop you already used. The for
statement has three parts that control how it works:
- The first part is the for initializer:
int counter = 0;
declares thatcounter
is the loop variable, and sets its initial value to0
. - The middle part is the for condition:
counter < 10
declares that thisfor
loop continues to execute as long as the value of counter is less than 10. - The final part is the for iterator:
specifies how to modify the loop variable after executing the block following thefor
statement. Here, it specifies thatcounter
increments by 1 each time the block executes.
Experiment with these conditions yourself. Try each of the following changes:
- Change the initializer to start at a different value.
- Change the condition to stop at a different value.
When you're done, let's move on to write some code yourself to use what you learned.
There's one other looping statement that isn't covered in this tutorial: the foreach
statement. The foreach
statement repeats its statement for every item in a sequence of items. It's most often used with collections. It's covered in the next tutorial.
Created nested loops
A while
, do
, or for
loop can be nested inside another loop to create a matrix using the combination of each item in the outer loop with each item in the inner loop. Let's do that to build a set of alphanumeric pairs to represent rows and columns.
One for
loop can generate the rows:
for (int row = 1; row < 11; row++)
Console.WriteLine($"The row is {row}");
Another loop can generate the columns:
for (char column = 'a'; column < 'k'; column++)
Console.WriteLine($"The column is {column}");
You can nest one loop inside the other to form pairs:
for (int row = 1; row < 11; row++)
for (char column = 'a'; column < 'k'; column++)
Console.WriteLine($"The cell is ({row}, {column})");
You can see that the outer loop increments once for each full run of the inner loop. Reverse the row and column nesting, and see the changes for yourself.
Combine branches and loops
Now that you saw the if
statement and the looping constructs in the C# language, see if you can write C# code to find the sum of all integers 1 through 20 that are divisible by 3. Here are a few hints:
- The
operator gives you the remainder of a division operation. - The
statement gives you the condition to see if a number should be part of the sum. - The
loop can help you repeat a series of steps for all the numbers 1 through 20.
Try it yourself. Then check how you did. As a hint, you should get 63 for an answer.
Did you come up with something like this?
You completed the "branches and loops" interactive tutorial. You can select the list collection link to start the next interactive tutorial, or you can visit the .NET site to download the .NET SDK, create a project on your machine, and keep coding. The "Next steps" section brings you back to these tutorials.
You can learn more about these concepts in these articles: