ProxyAttribute コンストラクター
一部の情報は、リリース前に大きく変更される可能性があるプレリリースされた製品に関するものです。 Microsoft は、ここに記載されている情報について、明示または黙示を問わず、一切保証しません。
ProxyAttribute クラスの新しいインスタンスを既定値で初期化します。
public ProxyAttribute ();
Public Sub New ()
public ref class MyProxyAttribute: public ProxyAttribute
// Create an instance of ServicedComponentProxy
virtual MarshalByRefObject^ CreateInstance( Type^ serverType ) override
return ProxyAttribute::CreateInstance( serverType );
virtual RealProxy^ CreateProxy( ObjRef^ objRef1, Type^ serverType, Object^ serverObject, Context^ serverContext ) override
MyProxy^ myCustomProxy = gcnew MyProxy( serverType );
if ( serverContext != nullptr )
RealProxy::SetStubData( myCustomProxy, serverContext );
if ( ( !serverType->IsMarshalByRef) && (serverContext == nullptr) )
throw gcnew RemotingException( "Bad Type for CreateProxy" );
return myCustomProxy;
ref class CustomServer: public ContextBoundObject
Console::WriteLine( "CustomServer Base Class constructor called" );
void HelloMethod( String^ str )
Console::WriteLine( "HelloMethod of Server is invoked with message : {0}", str );
public class MyProxyAttribute : ProxyAttribute
public MyProxyAttribute()
// Create an instance of ServicedComponentProxy
public override MarshalByRefObject CreateInstance(Type serverType)
return base.CreateInstance(serverType);
public override RealProxy CreateProxy(ObjRef objRef1,
Type serverType,
object serverObject,
Context serverContext)
MyProxy myCustomProxy = new MyProxy(serverType);
if(serverContext != null)
if((!serverType.IsMarshalByRef)&&(serverContext == null))
throw new RemotingException("Bad Type for CreateProxy");
return myCustomProxy;
public class CustomServer :ContextBoundObject
public CustomServer()
Console.WriteLine("CustomServer Base Class constructor called");
public void HelloMethod(string str)
Console.WriteLine("HelloMethod of Server is invoked with message : " + str);
<SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags := SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure), _
AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)> _
Public Class MyProxyAttribute
Inherits ProxyAttribute
Public Sub New()
End Sub
' Create an instance of ServicedComponentProxy
Public Overrides Function CreateInstance(serverType As Type) As MarshalByRefObject
Return MyBase.CreateInstance(serverType)
End Function 'CreateInstance
Public Overrides Function CreateProxy(objRef1 As ObjRef, serverType As Type, _
serverObject As Object, serverContext As Context) As RealProxy
Dim myCustomProxy As New MyProxy(serverType)
If Not (serverContext Is Nothing) Then
RealProxy.SetStubData(myCustomProxy, serverContext)
End If
If Not serverType.IsMarshalByRef And serverContext Is Nothing Then
Throw New RemotingException("Bad Type for CreateProxy")
End If
Return myCustomProxy
End Function 'CreateProxy
End Class
<MyProxyAttribute()> _
Public Class CustomServer
Inherits ContextBoundObject
Public Sub New()
Console.WriteLine("CustomServer Base Class constructor called")
End Sub
Public Sub HelloMethod(str As String)
Console.WriteLine("HelloMethod of Server is invoked with message : " + str)
End Sub
End Class
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