
FieldAttributes 列挙型




public enum class FieldAttributes
public enum FieldAttributes
public enum FieldAttributes
public enum FieldAttributes
type FieldAttributes = 
type FieldAttributes = 
type FieldAttributes = 
Public Enum FieldAttributes


名前 説明
Assembly 3


FamANDAssem 2


Family 4


FamORAssem 5


FieldAccessMask 7

指定されているフィールドのアクセス レベルを指定します。

HasDefault 32768


HasFieldMarshal 4096


HasFieldRVA 256

フィールドが RVA (Relative Virtual Address) を持つことを指定します。 RVA は、現在のイメージ内のメソッド本体の場所を、メソッドが存在するイメージ ファイルの先頭からの相対アドレスで表した値です。

InitOnly 32


Literal 64

フィールドの値がコンパイル時 (静的バインディングまたは事前バインディング) 定数であることを指定します。 設定しようとすると、FieldAccessException がスローされます。

NotSerialized 128


PinvokeImpl 8192


Private 1


PrivateScope 0


Public 6


ReservedMask 38144


RTSpecialName 1024

共通言語ランタイム (メタデータ内部 API) が名前のエンコードをチェックする必要があることを指定します。

SpecialName 512


Static 16


この例では、3 つのフィールドが作成され、 FieldAttributes 値が表示されます。 値にはFieldAttributes、3 番目のフィールドに示すように、 と Literalの両方Publicなど、複数の属性を含めることができます。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

public ref class Demo
    // Make three fields:
    // The first field is private.
    String^ m_field;

    // The second field is public.
    String^ Field;

    // The third field is public and literal. 
    literal String^ FieldC = "String C";

    Demo() { m_field = "String A"; Field = "String B"; }

static void DisplayField(Object^ obj, FieldInfo^ f)
    // Display the field name, value, and attributes.
    Console::WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"; attributes: {2}", 
        f->Name, f->GetValue(obj), f->Attributes);

void main()
    Console::WriteLine ("\nReflection.FieldAttributes");
    Demo^ d = gcnew Demo();

    // Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
    // the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
    // name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
    Type^ myType = Demo::typeid;

    FieldInfo^ fiPrivate = myType->GetField("m_field",
        BindingFlags::NonPublic | BindingFlags::Instance);
    DisplayField(d, fiPrivate);

    FieldInfo^ fiPublic = myType->GetField("Field",
        BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Instance);
    DisplayField(d, fiPublic);

    FieldInfo^ fiConstant = myType->GetField("FieldC",
        BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static);
    DisplayField(d, fiConstant);

/* This code example produces the following output:

m_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Demo
    // Make three fields:
    // The first field is private.
    private string m_field = "String A";

    // The second field is public.
    public string Field = "String B";

    // The third field is public const (hence also literal and static),
    // with a default value.
    public const string FieldC = "String C";

public class Myfieldattributes
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine ("\nReflection.FieldAttributes");
        Demo d = new Demo();

        // Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
        // the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
        // name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
        Type myType = typeof(Demo);
        FieldInfo fiPrivate = myType.GetField("m_field",
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        DisplayField(d, fiPrivate);

        FieldInfo fiPublic = myType.GetField("Field",
            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        DisplayField(d, fiPublic);

        FieldInfo fiConstant = myType.GetField("FieldC",
            BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
        DisplayField(d, fiConstant);

    static void DisplayField(Object obj, FieldInfo f)
        // Display the field name, value, and attributes.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"; attributes: {2}",
            f.Name, f.GetValue(obj), f.Attributes);

/* This code example produces the following output:

m_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class Demo
    ' Declare three fields.
    ' The first field is private.
    Private m_field As String = "String A"

    'The second field is public.
    Public Field As String = "String B"

    ' The third field is public and const, hence also static
    ' and literal with a default value.
    Public Const FieldC As String = "String C"

End Class

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Create an instance of the Demo class.
        Dim d As New Demo()

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Reflection.FieldAttributes")

        ' Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
        ' the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
        ' name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
        Dim myType As Type = GetType(Demo)

        Dim fiPrivate As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("m_field", _
            BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        DisplayField(d, fiPrivate)

        Dim fiPublic As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("Field", _
            BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        DisplayField(d, fiPublic)

        Dim fiConstant As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("FieldC", _
            BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static)
        DisplayField(d, fiConstant)
    End Sub

    Sub DisplayField(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal f As FieldInfo)

        ' Display the field name, value, and attributes.
        Console.WriteLine("{0} = ""{1}""; attributes: {2}", _
            f.Name, f.GetValue(obj), f.Attributes)
    End Sub

End Module

' This code example produces the following output:
'm_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
'Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
'FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault


FieldAttributes では、 の FieldAccessMask 値を使用して、アクセシビリティに関連する属性値の部分のみをマスクします。 たとえば、次のコードでは、パブリック ビットが設定されているかどうかを Attributes 判断します。

FieldInfo^ fi = obj->GetType()->GetField("field1");

if ((fi->Attributes & FieldAttributes::FieldAccessMask) ==
    Console::WriteLine("{0:s} is public. Value: {1:d}", fi->Name, fi->GetValue(obj));
FieldInfo fi = obj.GetType().GetField("field1");

if ((fi.Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) ==
    Console.WriteLine("{0:s} is public. Value: {1:d}", fi.Name, fi.GetValue(obj));
Dim fi As FieldInfo = obj.GetType().GetField("field1")

If (fi.Attributes And FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) = _
    FieldAttributes.Public Then
    Console.WriteLine("{0:s} is public. Value: {1:d}", fi.Name, fi.GetValue(obj))
End If

を取得するには、 FieldAttributesまず クラス Typeを取得します。 から、 Typeを取得します FieldInfo。 から、 FieldInfoを取得します Attributes

列挙値は、フィールドに実装されている属性のビットごとの OR を表す数値です。
