
IEditorOptions.Parent Property


Gets or sets the immediate parent of this set of options. If this set of options has no parent scope (because it is the global scope), this property is null and cannot be set.

 property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::IEditorOptions ^ Parent { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::IEditorOptions ^ get(); void set(Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::IEditorOptions ^ value); };
 property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::IEditorOptions ^ Parent { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::IEditorOptions ^ get(); void set(Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::IEditorOptions ^ value); };
public Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.IEditorOptions Parent { get; set; }
member this.Parent : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.IEditorOptions with get, set
Public Property Parent As IEditorOptions

Property Value

The parent scope.


When calling set, the new parent must be non-null and a different instance of IEditorOptions that was created from the same IEditorOptionsFactoryService as this instance. Also, cycles in the Parent chain are not allowed.

Applies to