
ZoneOffsetTransition.IsOverlap Property


Does this transition represent an overlap in the local time-line.

public bool IsOverlap { [Android.Runtime.Register("isOverlap", "()Z", "", ApiSince=26)] get; }
[<get: Android.Runtime.Register("isOverlap", "()Z", "", ApiSince=26)>]
member this.IsOverlap : bool

Property Value

true if this transition is an overlap, false if it is a gap



Does this transition represent an overlap in the local time-line.

Overlaps occur where there are local date-times that exist twice. An example would be when the offset changes from +02:00 to +01:00. This might be described as 'the clocks will move back one hour tonight at 2am'.

Java documentation for java.time.zone.ZoneOffsetTransition.isOverlap().

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