
TvRecordingInfo.RecordingStartTimeMillis Property


The real start time of the recording, including any padding, in milliseconds since the epoch.

public long RecordingStartTimeMillis { [Android.Runtime.Register("getRecordingStartTimeMillis", "()J", "", ApiSince=34)] get; }
[<get: Android.Runtime.Register("getRecordingStartTimeMillis", "()J", "", ApiSince=34)>]
member this.RecordingStartTimeMillis : int64

Property Value



The real start time of the recording, including any padding, in milliseconds since the epoch.

This may not be the same as the value of #getScheduledStartTimeMillis() due to a recording starting late, or due to start/end padding.

Returns -1 for recordings that have not yet started.

Java documentation for android.media.tv.TvRecordingInfo.getRecordingStartTimeMillis().

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