

This page contains relevant information regarding the Infermedica triage dispositions, triage configurations and outcomes.

Infermedica Dispositions:

Infermedica has a 5-level triage. The disposition is included in the triage results.

  • emergency_ambulance – the reported symptoms are serious and the patient can require emergency care. The patient should call an ambulance right now,
  • emergency – the reported evidence appears serious and the patient should go to an emergency department. If the patient can't get to the nearest emergency department, he/she should call an ambulance,
  • consultation_24 – the patient should see a doctor within 24 hours. If the symptoms suddenly get worse, the patient should go to the nearest emergency department,
  • consultation – the patient could require medical evaluation and would need to schedule an appointment with a doctor. If symptoms get worse, the patient should see a doctor immediately,
  • self_care – a medical consultation isn't strictly required; the patient should observe their symptoms and consult a doctor if symptoms worsen within 24 hours.

Infermedica Triage Configurations and Outcomes

You can pass an optional configuration object to the Infermedica triage when extending triage in a custom scenario. The configurations override any options you have set in the management portal (Configuration > Medical > Triage).

Screenshot of passing arguments to Infermedica subscenario

When passing the arguments to the Infermedica scenario, you only need the path to the configuration property and the new value (you don't need to include the other information such as the doc or the default). For example, to disable the message that shows the possible causes, you would pass this configuration:

"configuration": {
        "show_causes": false

Below is the full list of the available configurations.

    "causes": {
        "show_causes": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the possible causes or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "title_text": {
            "doc": "Title for the possible causes.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Here are some possible causes for the problem:"
        "no_causes_found_text": {
            "doc": "Text to display in case no possible causes were found.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Sorry, I could not find a possible cause for the symptoms."
        "display_cause_frequency_rating": {
            "doc": "Display the frequency rating for each cause or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "maximal_cause_count": {
            "doc": "Maximal number of causes to display.",
            "format": "nat",
            "default": 10
    "preassessment": {
        "echo_registered_symptoms": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show symptoms extracted from user complaint.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "verify_extracted_symptoms": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to verify symptoms extracted from user complaint, when user complaint is not fully understood",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "echo_registered_symptoms_text_initial": {
            "doc": "Title for displaying registered symptoms after additional symptoms were successfully extracted from user utterance.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "The following symptoms have been registered:"
        "echo_registered_symptoms_text_additional": {
            "doc": "Title for displaying registered symptoms after additional symptoms were successfully extracted from user utterance.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Additional symptoms have been identified. So far, the following symptoms have been reported:"
        "echo_registered_symptoms_text_no_symptoms_added": {
            "doc": "Title for displaying registered symptoms after user rejected additional symptoms extracted from their utterance",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "No additional symptoms have been registered. So far, the following symptoms have been reported:"
        "verify_extracted_symptoms_confirmation_text": {
            "doc": "Text for the extracted symptoms verification prompt.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Is that correct?"
        "verify_extracted_symptoms_list_text": {
            "doc": "Text for the extracted symptoms verification prompt.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "It sounds like you would like to report the following symptoms:"
        "unconfirmed_extracted_symptoms_initial_message": {
            "doc": "Text to show after user did not confirm the symptoms extracted from the initial utterance.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "OK. If you would like to report medical symptoms, please try to use an alternative phrasing."
        "minimum_recommended_positive_symptoms": {
            "doc": "Recommended number of initial present symptoms to start diagnosis interview.",
            "format": "nat",
            "default": 3
        "report_additional_symptoms_strong_prompt": {
            "doc": "Prompt the user to report additional medical symptoms until recommended number of initial symptoms is matched.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Reporting additional relevant symptoms is recommended. If there are other symptoms please report them, otherwise type \"none\" to begin the assessment."
        "report_additional_symptoms_weak_prompt": {
            "doc": "Prompt the user to report additional medical symptoms until recommended number of initial symptoms is matched.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "If there are other symptoms please report them, otherwise type \"none\" to begin the assessment."
        "report_additional_symptoms_what_prompt": {
            "doc": "Prompt the user to report additional medical symptoms after they've said they would like to report additional symptoms.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "What else would you like to report?"
        "display_final_prompt_for_additional_symptoms": {
            "doc": "Do no begin assessment automatically after the recommended number of initial symptoms have ben reported",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "report_additional_symptoms_yes_no_prompt": {
            "doc": "Text to ask the user about whether they would like to report additional medical symptoms.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Would you like to report anything else?"
        "rephrase_symptoms_prompt": {
            "doc": "Message to show when user utterance was not understood for the first time",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Sorry, I did not understand. Please try to describe the symptoms using an alternative phrasing."
        "rephrase_symptoms_or_skip_prompt": {
            "doc": "Message to show when user utterance was not understood more than once",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Sorry, I did not understand. Please try to describe the symptoms using an alternative phrasing. You can type \"skip\" to continue to assessment without providing more symptoms."
        "need_more_information": {
            "doc": "Message to show when more information is required before starting the assessment",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Sorry, but I really need to know more about the symptoms to help. Please report additional symptoms, or type \"quit\" to end the assessment."
        "begin_assessment_message": {
            "doc": "Message to display before beginning the assessment for the reported symptoms",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "OK, let's assess the reported symptoms."
        "display_begin_assessment_message": {
            "doc": "Whether to show a message before beginning the assessment for the reported symptoms",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
    "conversation": {
        "gender_prompt_choice": {
            "male": {
                "doc": "Male Choice for prompting the user for her/his gender.",
                "format": "String",
                "default": "Male"
            "female": {
                "doc": "Female Choice for prompting the user for her/his gender.",
                "format": "String",
                "default": "Female"
        "pregnancy_status": {
            "ask_for_pregnancy_status": {
                "doc": "Indiction whether to ask the user for her pregnancy status at the beginning of the triage.",
                "format": "Boolean",
                "default": true
            "minimum_age_to_ask_about_pregnancy": {
                "doc": "Minimum age to ask about pregnancy status.",
                "format": "nat",
                "default": 12
            "maximum_age_to_ask_about_pregnancy": {
                "doc": "Maximum age to ask about pregnancy status.",
                "format": "nat",
                "default": 60
        "interview_mode": {
            "doc": "triage: interview is shorter and optimized for the assessment of the correct triage level rather than accuracy of final diagnoses \n possible causes: provides the right balance between the duration of the interview and accuracy of diagnoses.",
            "format": [
                "possible causes"
            "default": "triage"
        "disable_groups": {
            "doc": "Disable multiple choice questions (not recommended)",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": false
            "third_person_message": {
            "doc": "This text will displayed if a medical complaint is made on behalf of another person",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Symptom assessment on behalf of another person is partially supported. The assessment questions will be phrased using the second person perspective, however you should answer the questions as if they refer to the person you are caring for."
    "triage": {
        "show_triage": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the triage outcome or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true
        "title_text": {
            "doc": "Title for the triage outcome.",
            "format": "String",
            "default": "Suggested Care:"
    "symptom_summary": {
        "show_summary": {
            "doc": "An indication whether to show the symptom summary or not.",
            "format": "Boolean",
            "default": true

Infermedica outcomes

The Infermedica triage also returns a result object with the important information collected during the assessment. This is an example of a full result object:

    "user_details": {"ageInDays": 12783,"ageText":"35 years","gender":"M","genderText":"Male"
    },"symptoms": {
        "initial": [
            {"id":"s_98","name":"Fever","common_name":"Fever","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [
                ],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id": null,"parent_relation": null,"type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": true
            {"id":"s_107","name":"Nasal catarrh","common_name":"Runny nose","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id": null,"parent_relation": null,"type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": true
            {"id":"s_102","name":"Cough","common_name":"Cough","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [
                ],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id": null,"parent_relation": null,"type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": true
        ],"additional": [
            {"id":"s_100","name":"Fever between 100.4 and 104 °F (38 and 40 °C)","common_name":"Fever between 100.4 and 104 °F (38 and 40 °C)","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"serious","extras": {},"children": [],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id":"s_98","parent_relation":"severity","type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": false
            {"id":"s_103","name":"Cough, lasting less than three weeks","common_name":"Cough lasting less than three weeks","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id":"s_102","parent_relation":"duration","type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": false
            {"id":"s_105","name":"Cough, dry","common_name":"Dry cough","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id":"s_102","parent_relation":"character","type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": false
            {"id":"s_104","name":"Cough, productive","common_name":"Coughing up phlegm","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [
                ],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id":"s_102","parent_relation":"character","type":"symptom","status":"absent","initial": false
            {"id":"s_1142","name":"Myalgia","common_name":"Muscle pain","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [
                ],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id": null,"parent_relation": null,"type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": false
            {"id":"s_81","name":"Chills","common_name":"Chills","sex_filter":"both","category":"Signs and symptoms","seriousness":"normal","extras": {},"children": [],"image_url": null,"image_source": null,"parent_id": null,"parent_relation": null,"type":"symptom","status":"present","initial": false
    "risk_factors": {"initial": [],"additional": []
    "questions": [
        {"question": {"type":"group_single","text":"What is your body temperature?","items": [
                    {"id":"s_99","name":"Between 98.6 and 100.4 °F or 37 and 38 °C","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                    {"id":"s_100","name":"Between 100.4 and 104 °F or 38 and 40 °C","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                    {"id":"s_2000","name":"Greater than 104 °F or 40 °C","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                    {"id":"s_1820","name":"I haven’t checked my temperature","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                ],"extras": {}
            },"response":"Between 100.4 and 104 °F or 38 and 40 °C"
        {"question": {"type":"group_single","text":"How long have you had a cough?","items": [
                    {"id":"s_103","name":"Less than 3 weeks","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                    {"id":"s_1858","name":"Between 3 and 8 weeks","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                    {"id":"s_106","name":"More than 8 weeks","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                ],"extras": {}
            },"response":"Less than 3 weeks"
        {"question": {"type":"group_multiple","text":"How would you describe your cough?","items": [
                    {"id":"s_105","name":"Dry cough, without phlegm or mucus","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                    {"id":"s_104","name":"Wet cough, with phlegm or mucus","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                ],"extras": {}
            },"response": ["Dry cough, without phlegm or mucus"
        {"question": {"type":"single","text":"Do you have muscle aches, pains or soreness?","items": [
                    {"id":"s_1142","name":"Myalgia","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                ],"extras": {}
        {"question": {"type":"single","text":"Do you have the chills?","items": [
                    {"id":"s_81","name":"Chills","choices": [
                            {"id":"unknown","label":"Don’t know"
                ],"extras": {}
    ],"possible_causes": [
        {"id":"c_33","name":"Influenza","common_name":"Flu","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Infectiology"
            ],"prevalence":"moderate","acuteness":"acute","severity":"moderate","extras": {"icd10_code":"J09, J10, J11","hint":"See your family doctor, and you may also need to consult an infectious disease specialist."
            },"triage_level":"consultation","probability": 0.9707
        {"id":"c_87","name":"Common cold","common_name":"Common cold","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Infectiology"
            ],"prevalence":"common","acuteness":"acute","severity":"mild","extras": {"icd10_code":"J00","hint":"If your symptoms get worse, see your family doctor."
            },"triage_level":"self_care","probability": 0.6384
        {"id":"c_127","name":"Pneumonia","common_name":"Pneumonia","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Pulmonology"
            ],"prevalence":"rare","acuteness":"acute","severity":"severe","extras": {"icd10_code":"J12, J13, J14, J15, J16, J17, J18","hint":"See your family doctor as soon as possible. You may also need to consult a pulmonologist."
            },"triage_level":"consultation","probability": 0.5146
        {"id":"c_72","name":"Acute bronchitis","common_name":"Acute bronchitis","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Pulmonology"
            ],"prevalence":"common","acuteness":"acute","severity":"mild","extras": {"icd10_code":"J20, J20.9, J68.0","hint":"See your family doctor. You may also need to consult a pulmonologist."
            },"triage_level":"consultation","probability": 0.4912
        {"id":"c_133","name":"Acute rhinosinusitis","common_name":"Acute sinusitis","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Laryngology/ENT"
            ],"prevalence":"moderate","acuteness":"acute","severity":"moderate","extras": {"icd10_code":"J01","hint":"Please consult with your family doctor in case your symptoms get worse or do not relieve in 5 days."
            },"triage_level":"self_care","probability": 0.4703
        {"id":"c_286","name":"Measles","common_name":"Measles","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Infectiology"
            ],"prevalence":"very_rare","acuteness":"acute","severity":"mild","extras": {"icd10_code":"B05","hint":"Please see an infectious disease specialist or your family doctor."
            },"triage_level":"consultation","probability": 0.4456
        {"id":"c_249","name":"Acute streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis","common_name":"Strep throat","sex_filter":"both","categories": ["Laryngology/ENT"
            ],"prevalence":"moderate","acuteness":"acute","severity":"moderate","extras": {"icd10_code":"J02.0, J03.0","hint":"Please consult your family doctor."
            },"triage_level":"consultation","probability": 0.4257
        {"id":"c_122","name":"Prostatitis","common_name":"Prostatitis","sex_filter":"male","categories": ["Urology"
            ],"prevalence":"moderate","acuteness":"acute_potentially_chronic","severity":"moderate","extras": {"icd10_code":"N41.0","hint":"Please consult a urologist."
            },"triage_level":"consultation","probability": 0.279
    ],"triage_result": {"triage_level":"consultation_24","serious": [
            {"id":"s_100","name":"Fever between 100.4 and 104 °F (38 and 40 °C)","common_name":"Fever between 100.4 and 104 °F (38 and 40 °C)","is_emergency": false
        ],"root_cause":"r6","teleconsultation_applicable": false
    },"messages": {
        "user_details":"Age: 35 years, Gender: Male \n\n",
        "symptomSummary":"Initial complaints: \n- Fever\n- Runny nose\n- Cough\n\n \nOther Problems or Symptoms: \n- Fever between 100.4 and 104 °F (38 and 40 °C)\n- Cough lasting less than three weeks\n- Dry cough\n- Muscle pain\n- Chills\n\n",
        "possible_causes":"Here are some possible causes for the problem:\n
        1. Flu [less common]\n
        2. Common cold [common]\n
        3. Pneumonia [rare]\n
        4. Acute bronchitis [common]\n
        5. Acute sinusitis [less common]\n
        6. Measles [very rare]\n
        7. Strep throat [less common]\n
        8. Prostatitis [less common]\n",
        "triage_result":"Suggested Care: Doctor today"