
ヘルプ コマンド (Team Foundation バージョン管理)

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

Visual Studio 2019 | Visual Studio 2022

tf help コマンドは、tf コマンドライン ユーティリティ コマンドの構文に関する情報を表示します。


  • ローカル コンピューターに Visual Studio がインストールされている。


tf help <commandname>






構文に関するヘルプを表示する TFVC コマンドを指定します。


  • 必要なコマンドがどれかわからない場合は、次のように入力します。

    • tf vc help (サポートされる TFVC コマンドの一覧)。
    • tf git help (サポートされる Git コマンドの一覧)。
    • tf settings help (サポートされるサーバー設定コマンドの一覧)。
  • commandname パラメーターを指定すると、コマンド ラインには、そのコマンドの引数とオプションに関する情報が表示されます。 システムで commandname に一致するものが見つからない場合は、別名と短縮名を検索します。 一致するコマンド、別名、または短縮名がない場合は、エラーが発生します。

  • オプション /?help の別名です。 コマンドで /? オプションを使用すると、システムにより help コマンドが呼び出され、入力したコマンドの構文情報が表示されます。

tf コマンドライン ユーティリティの使用方法の詳細については、「Team Foundation バージョン管理コマンドの使用」を参照してください。

tf vc コマンドを一覧表示する


>tf vc help
Microsoft (R) TF - Team Foundation Version Control Tool, Version 16.171.31930.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Type tf vc help <command name> for command line description.
Type tf msdn <command name> for full documentation in https://learn.microsoft.com.

tf vc add            Adds new files and folders from a local file system
                     location to TFVC.

tf vc branch         Copies an item or set of items, including metadata and
                     version control history, from one location to another on
                     the Azure DevOps server and in the workspace.

tf vc branches       Displays the history of a branch for a specified file
                     or folder.

tf vc changeset      Displays information about a changeset and lets you
                     change the associated attributes, such as comments and
                     check-in notes.

tf vc checkin        Commits pending changes in the current workspace to TFVC.

tf vc checkout       Makes the local file writable and changes its pending
                     Change status to "edit" in the workspace. Edit is an
                     alias for the checkout command.

tf vc certificates   Configures how client authentication certificates are
                     used when connecting to Azure DevOps through a secure connection.

tf vc configure      Enables an administrator to view and change the following
                     configuration settings for a team project in the Source
                     Control Settings dialog box:
                     - Check-out settings
                     - Check-in policies
                     - Check-in notes

tf vc delete         Removes files and folders from TFVC
                     and deletes them from the disk.

tf vc destroy        Destroys, or permanently deletes, version-controlled
                     files from TFVC.

tf vc diff           Compares, and if it is possible, displays differences
                     between two files, files in two folders, or a shelveset
                     and a local or server file.

tf vc dir            Displays all or part of the contents of TFVC.

tf vc folderdiff     Display a visual representation of the differences between
                     files in two server folders, in a server folder and a
                     local folder, or in two local folders.

tf vc get            Retrieves a read-only copy of a file from Azure DevOps
                     Server to the workspace and creates folders on disk to
                     contain it.

tf vc history        Displays the revision history for one or more files and

tf vc info           Displays information about items under version control.

tf vc label          Attaches a label to or removes a label from a version of a
                     file or folder in TFVC.

tf vc labels         Displays the list of labels in TFVC.

tf vc localversions  Displays the version of one or more items in a workspace.

tf vc lock           Locks or unlocks a file or folder to deny or restore the
                     permissions of users to check out an item for edit into
                     a different workspace or to check in pending changes to
                     an item from a different workspace.

tf vc merge          Applies changes from one branch into another.

tf vc merges         Displays detailed information about past merges between
                     the specified source and destination branches.

tf vc msdn           Displays the https://learn.microsoft.com documentation
                     page for the command.

tf vc permission     Modifies the user access control list (ACL) and displays
                     authorization settings for an item under version control.

tf vc property       Displays and pends changes on properties associated with
                     items under version control.

tf vc reconcile      Compares the current state of the workspace on disk with
                     the server's view, either to clean the workspace or to
                     promote unpended local changes.

tf vc rename         Changes the name or the path of a file or folder. You
                     can use the rename command or the alias Move to move a
                     file or folder to a new location.

tf vc resolve        Resolves conflicts between changed items in your
                     workspace and the latest or destination versions of items
                     on the server.

tf vc resolvePath    Resolves a server path to a local path in your workspace.

tf vc rollback       Rolls back the changes in a single or a range of

tf vc shelve         Stores a set of pending changes, together with pending
                     check-in notes, a comment, and a list of associated work
                     items in Azure DevOps Server without actually checking
                     them into the version control server.

tf vc shelvesets     Displays information about a set of shelved changes.

tf vc status         Displays information about pending changes to items in
                     one or more workspaces.

tf vc undelete       Restores items that were previously deleted.

tf vc undo           Removes pending changes from a workspace.

tf vc unlabel        Removes an item from an existing label in Team Foundation
                     version control.

tf vc unshelve       Restores shelved file revisions, check-in notes, comments,
                     and work item associations to the current workspace or
                     removes an existing shelveset from the server.

tf vc view           Retrieves a specific version of a file to a temporary
                     folder on your computer and displays it.

tf vc workfold       Creates, modifies, or displays information about the
                     mappings between your workspace folders and the TFVC

tf vc workspace      Creates, deletes, displays, or modifies properties and
                     mappings associated with a workspace.

tf vc workspaces     Displays information about workspaces in the system and
                     updates cached information about a user name or computer
                     name change on Azure DevOps Server.

view コマンドのヘルプを表示する

次の例では、view コマンドのヘルプ情報を示します。

>tf view /help
Microsoft (R) TF - Team Foundation Version Control Tool, Version 16.171.31930.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Retrieves a specific version of a file to a temporary folder on your computer
and displays it.

tf vc view [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]
           [/console] [/recursive] [/output:localfile]
           [/shelveset:shelvesetname[;owner]] [/noprompt] itemspec
           [/version:versionspec] [/login:username,[password]]

    Date/Time         D"any .NET Framework-supported format"
                      or any of the date formats of the local machine
    Changeset number  Cnnnnnn
    Label             Llabelname
    Latest version    T
    Workspace         Wworkspacename;workspaceowner

ワークスペース コマンドのヘルプを表示する

次の例では、workspace コマンドの構文に関する情報を示します。

>tf workspace /help 
Microsoft (R) TF - Team Foundation Version Control Tool, Version 16.171.31930.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Creates, deletes, displays, or modifies properties and mappings associated
with a workspace.

tf vc workspace /new [/noprompt] [/template:workspacename[;workspaceowner]]
                [/computer:computername] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)]

tf vc workspace /delete [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]

tf vc workspace [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]
                [/newname:workspacename] [workspacename[;workspaceowner]]
                [/newowner:ownername] [/computer:computername]

次の例では、workspace コマンドの構文に関する同様の情報を示します。

tf workspace /?