

Wildcard support for artifact cache in Azure Container Registry

Wildcard use asterisks (*) to match multiple paths within the container image registry. This article lists the wildcards supported by the artifact cache feature for Azure Container Registry (ACR).


Cache rules map from target repository => source repository.

Registry level wildcard

The registry level wildcard lets you cache all repositories from an upstream registry.

Cache rule Mapping Example
contoso.azurecr.io/* => mcr.microsoft.com/* Mapping for all images under ACR to MCR. contoso.azurecr.io/myapp/image1 => mcr.microsoft.com/myapp/image1<br>contoso.azurecr.io/myapp/image2 => mcr.microsoft.com/myapp/image2

Repository level wildcard

The repository level wildcard lets you cache all repositories from an upstream registry mapping to the repository prefix.

Cache Rule Mapping Example
contoso.azurecr.io/dotnet/* => mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/* Mapping specific repositories under ACR to corresponding repositories in MCR. contoso.azurecr.io/dotnet/sdk => mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk
contoso.azurecr.io/dotnet/runtime => mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime
contoso.azurecr.io/library/dotnet/* => mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/*
contoso.azurecr.io/library/python/* => docker.io/library/python/*
Mapping specific repositories under ACR to repositories from different upstream registries. contoso.azurecr.io/library/dotnet/app1 => mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/app1
contoso.azurecr.io/library/python/app3 => docker.io/library/python/app3

Limitations for wildcard-based cache rules

Wildcard cache rules use asterisks (*) to match multiple paths within the container image registry. These rules can't overlap with other wildcard cache rules. In other words, if you have a wildcard cache rule for a certain registry path, you can't add another wildcard rule that overlaps with it.

Here are some examples of overlapping rules:

Example 1:

Existing cache rule: contoso.azurecr.io/* => mcr.microsoft.com/*
New cache being added: contoso.azurecr.io/library/* => docker.io/library/*

The addition of the new cache rule is blocked because the target repository path contoso.azurecr.io/library/* overlaps with the existing wildcard rule contoso.azurecr.io/*.

Example 2:

Existing cache rule: contoso.azurecr.io/library/* => mcr.microsoft.com/library/*
New cache being added: contoso.azurecr.io/library/dotnet/* => docker.io/library/dotnet/*

The addition of the new cache rule is blocked because the target repository path contoso.azurecr.io/library/dotnet/* overlaps with the existing wildcard rule contoso.azurecr.io/library/*.

Limitations for static/fixed cache rules

Static or fixed cache rules are more specific and don't use wildcards. They can potentially overlap with wildcard-based cache rules. If a cache rule specifies a fixed repository path, then it allows overlapping with a wildcard-based cache rule.

Example 1:

Existing cache rule: contoso.azurecr.io/* => mcr.microsoft.com/*
New cache being added: contoso.azurecr.io/library/dotnet => docker.io/library/dotnet

The addition of the new cache rule is allowed because contoso.azurecr.io/library/dotnet is a static path and can overlap with the wildcard cache rule contoso.azurecr.io/*.

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