AEWExperimentAssignmentSummary テーブルのクエリ
Azure portal でこれらのクエリを使用する方法については、 Log Analytics のチュートリアルを参照してください。 REST API については、「 Query」を参照してください。
// Variant assignment counts by features
| summarize
IsControlVariant = take_any(IsControlVariant),
AllocationPercentage = take_any(AllocationPercentage),
AssignmentEventCount = sum(AssignmentEventCount),
EarliestAssignment = min(MinTimeGenerated),
LatestAssignment = max(MaxTimeGenerated)
by FeatureName, AllocationId, Variant
| order by FeatureName asc, LatestAssignment desc, Variant asc
特定の機能の最新のスコアカード メタデータ
特定の機能の最新の実験コアカード メタデータに対してクエリを実行します。
// Latest scorecard metadata for a given feature
// set the feature flag name to query
let QueryFeature = "MyFeatureFlag";
| where FeatureName == QueryFeature
| summarize MaxTimeGenerated=max(MaxTimeGenerated), Variants=make_set(Variant, 1000) by AllocationId
| summarize arg_max(MaxTimeGenerated, *)
| join kind=inner AEWExperimentScorecards on AllocationId
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, ScorecardId)
| project
FeatureName, AllocationId, Variants,
ScorecardId, AnalysisStartTime, AnalysisEndTime, Insights
// Latest scorecard results for a given feature
// set the feature flag name to query
let QueryFeature = "MyFeatureFlag";
| where FeatureName == QueryFeature
| summarize arg_max(MaxTimeGenerated, AllocationId)
| join kind=inner AEWExperimentScorecards on AllocationId
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, ScorecardId)
| join kind=inner AEWExperimentScorecardMetricPairs on ScorecardId
| project
ScorecardId, MetricId, MetricDisplayName, MetricKind, MetricTags,
TreatmentVariant, TreatmentCount, TreatmentMetricValue,
ControlVariant, ControlCount, ControlMetricValue,
TreatmentEffect, RelativeDifference, PValue, Insights