

Use the Storage panel to inspect and manage various locally cached data, including:

  • Web storage (Local and Session storage) key/values pairs
  • Indexed DB structured data
  • Cookies for the domain
  • Cache (request/response pairs) for service worker debugging

Expand any of those categories and click on a child entry to open its resource manager tab.

Local and Session storage managers

Use the Local Storage manager and Session Storage manager to inspect and manage the web storage for your page.

The Local Storage and Session Storage folders inside the Storage panel's Resource picker display a list of origins for the page. Selecting one of these frames opens up an editable table of the current key/value pairs set via Window.localStorage or Window.sessionStorage, respectively (and/or set directly from the DevTools Storage list).

DevTools Storage manager

From the Local Storage and Session Storage tabs you can:

  • Refresh (Ctrl+F5) the storage list to see the current set of key/values pairs for the given domain. (The list does not auto-refresh upon script updates.)
  • Simulate reaching the storage limit for Microsoft Edge web storage. Each domain and subdomain has its own storage area, however there is a combined limit:
    • Subdomains: up to 5 MBs of space
    • Domains: up to 10 MBs of space
    • Total for all domains: up to 50 MBs of space

Session storage is cleared as soon as the last browser tab referencing its origin is closed. Local storage entries persist indefinitely until cleared programmatically by the page or manually by the user:

Settings > Clear browsing data > Cookies and saved website data

Clear browsing data from the Microsoft Edge Settings panel

Storage list

From the Storage list table you can:

  • Inspect and sort your key/value pairs by clicking on either column name in the table.
  • Edit the Key and Value of an existing entry by clicking in the cell.
  • Delete (Del) an entry from the right-click context menu option, Delete item.
  • Add a new key/value pair by clicking on the empty row at the bottom of the table.


Action Shortcut
Refresh Ctrl+F5
Delete item Del
Copy selected items Ctrl+C
Select all Ctrl+A

IndexedDB manager

Use the IndexedDB tab to inspect and manage the structured data stored locally on a client machine. Specifically, you can inspect/sort and refresh your object stores and indices, and also delete individual key-value entries.


You can use our Audio Mixer demo to test drive the IndexedDB manager in Microsoft Edge DevTools.

To delete all the IndexedDB data stored for the current user in Microsoft Edge, use the Microsoft Edge Settings menu:

... > Settings > Clear browsing data > Cookies and saved website data

The IndexedDB folder inside the Debugger's Resource picker displays a list of origins from the resources loaded by the page. Any IndexedDB (IDB) databases will be listed under the origin, along with their object stores.

DevTools IndexedDB manager

IndexedDB Toolbar

From the IndexedDB toolbar you can:

  • Refresh (Ctrl+F5) to see the current entries in the object store or index of your database. The IndexedDB manager does not auto-refresh when changes are made to your database.

Object store entries list

From the Object store or Index table you can:

  • Inspect and sort your key-value pairs by clicking on any column name in the table.
  • Refresh (Ctrl+F5)
  • Delete item (Del) to remove the selected entry in your object store or index. You can also do this from the right-click context menu option, Delete item.
  • Copy selected items (Ctrl+C) to copy the selected item to your clipboard. You can also do this from the right-click context menu option, Copy selected item.
  • Select all (Ctrl+A) to select all the entries in your object store or index. You can also do this from the right-click context menu option, Select all.

The columns of the Object store or Index table are sortable:

Column Description
Key Name of the key-value pair (same as Primary Key) when iterating over an object store; Name of the index key (cursor's current key) when iterating over an index
Primary Key Name of the key-value pair (see MDN web docs for more on IDB keys)
Value Value of the key-value pair

Check out MDN web docs for more on IndexedDB concepts and usage.

Context menu

In addition to the IndexedDB toolbar, you can also manage your data in object stores or indices from the right-click Context menu and/or the keyboard shortcuts.


Action Shortcut
Refresh Ctrl+F5
Delete key-value pair Del
Copy selected items Ctrl+C
Select all Ctrl +A`

Cookies manager

Use the Cookies manager to inspect and manage the cookies for the given domain.

The Cookies folder inside the Debugger's Resource picker displays a list of origins from the resources loaded by the page. Selecting one of these frames opens up a table representing the current cookies set by either HTTP header or via script with Document.cookie.

DevTools Cookies manager

From the Cookies tab toolbar you can:

  • Refresh (Ctrl+F5) the Cookies list to see the current set of cookies for the given domain. (The list does not auto-refresh.)
  • Delete all cookies (Ctrl+Shift+Del) (session and permanent) for the path of the current page.
  • Delete all session cookies (Ctrl+Del) for the path of the current page.

To completely clear your Cookies list, you might need to Clear all cookies for the domain from the Network panel toolbar.

Cookies list

From the Cookies list table you can:

  • Inspect and sort your cookies by clicking on any column name in the table.
  • Edit the Name and Value of an existing cookie by clicking in the cell.
  • Delete (Del) a cookie from the right-click context menu option, Delete cookie.
  • Add a new session cookie for the given Domain/Path by clicking on the empty row at the bottom of the table. This only works for session cookies; permanent cookies (with specific expiry dates) must be set with traditional methods. The Domain and Path values are auto-filled according to the location of the page.

The columns of the Cookies list are sortable:

Column Description
Name Name of the cookie
Value Value of the cookie
Domain Host name of the cookie (may be empty)
Path URL path for the cookie (may be empty)
Expires Maximum lifetime of the cookie as an HTTP-date timestamp. If no Expires or Max-Age was set, the entry is considered a Session cookie.
HTTP only Indicates if the cookie was set with HttpOnly directive, indicating that it is inaccessible from JavaScript
Secure Indicates if the cookie was set with the Secure directive, indicating it will only be sent to the server from a request using SSL and the HTTPS protocol.

See the MDN web docs Set-Cookie reference for further details on cookie properties.

Context menu

In addition to the Cookies tab toolbar, you can also manage your cookies from the right-click Context menu and/or the keyboard shortcuts.


Action Shortcut
Refresh Ctrl+F5
Delete cookie Del
Delete all cookies Ctrl+Shift+Del
Delete all session cookies Ctrl+Del
Copy selected items Ctrl+C
Select all Ctrl+A

Cache manager

Clicking on a specific cache entry will open up the service worker Cache manager, where you can inspect and optionally delete cache entries (Request and Response key/value pairs):

Cache manager


Cache manager

Action Shortcut
Refresh Ctrl+F5
Delete item Del
Copy selected items Ctrl+C
Select all Ctrl+A