
Using Additional Browsers for Web Development

Menu:  File -> Browse With
Command:  File.BrowseWith
Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  12/4/2010
Code:  vstipEnv0057


When you are doing web development in Visual Studio you may want to use a different browser than Internet Explorer.  You can do this by using the Browse With dialog.  Getting to this dialog is a little interesting as it is context sensitive.  So it is best to have either your web project or a web page selected to see the "Browse With" option on the File menu or when you RIGHT CLICK:




Here is what the Browse With dialog looks like:




Adding New Browsers

Visual Studio will automatically detect some browsers.  For example, I installed Firefox and the dialog automatically detected it.  If you don't see your browser here you can click on the "Add" button to put in the path to the executable and a friendly name for your browser:




Changing the Default Browser

You can also change the default browser by clicking on a browser and then clicking the "Set as Default" button:




Browser Window Size

Choose the window size you want for your browser by using the "Size of browser window" drop-down list is available:




Removing Browsers

Eventually you may want to get rid of some of your browser choices.  Simply select the browser in the list and click the "Remove" button:
