
Understanding Commands: Running Commands

Keyboard:  CTRL + ALT + A (command window); CTRL + ALT + I (immediate window); CTRL + D (find combo box); CTRL + / (find combo with command)
Menu:  View -> Other Windows -> Command Window; Debug -> Windows -> Immediate Window;
Command:  View.CommandWindow; Debug.Immediate;Edit.GoToFindCombo;Tools.GoToCommandLine
Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  8/11/2010
Code:  vstipTool0070


Folks I want to get your input on the possible title for the new book.  Give me your comments at https://blogs.msdn.com/b/zainnab/archive/2010/08/09/proposed-book-title.aspx


Whenever you work with commands there are essentially four main ways you can run them.  We will take a look at each one:



The easiest way to run a command is if there is a shortcut attached to it.  For example, View.Code has a couple of shortcut keys attached to it (ENTER and F7):





Command Window

The Command window (CTRL + ALT + A) is specifically designed to run commands.  Just type in the command and press ENTER:





Immediate Window

You can run any command from the Immediate window (CTRL + ALT + I) by typing a greater than sign ">" then any command then press ENTER:





Find Combo Box

One little known feature is you can run commands from the Find Combo Box (CTRL + D) on the Standard toolbar.  Just type a greater than sign ">" then any command then press ENTER:



You can bypass the typing of the greater than sign by using CTRL + / which will take you to the Find Combo Box and automatically insert it for you.