The Immediate Window: Design-Time Breakpoints
Keyboard: CTRL + ALT + I
Menu: Debug -> Windows -> Immediate
Command: Debug.Immediate
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 9/29/2010
Code: vstipTool0096
In vstipTool0095 ( I mentioned that you could do design-time execution of members. I thought it would be instructive to mention that you can also use this technique to hit breakpoints in your code.
For example, if I have an application that has a class with a static method:
And set a breakpoint on a line of code:
Then, in design mode, I execute the method from the Immediate Window:
It will execute the code and stop at the breakpoint ready for me to continue debugging:
This is an interesting feature of design-time execution you can use to quickly get to an area for debugging.