
Follow up the BizTalk MSDN seminar

Thank you again for attending the BizTalk MSDN seminar last weekend. There were about 200 attendees and you can fnd the picture on the event from here. As I said on the speech, I updated some additional resources for starting BizTalk server. As I said on the speech, I updated some additional resources for starting BizTalk Server.

  1. A good article for the BizTalk installation. 
      "The QuickStart Guide to Installing & Configuring BizTalk Server 2004 for Windows Server 2003".
    It includes most links you have to download as the prerequisites for BizTalk Server.
  2. Some command lines for configuring WSS 2.0 (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0)
    • Extract WSS 2.0 setup files from stsv2.exe, which you can download from Windows SharePoint Services web page
      stsv2 /t:c:\stsv2 /c
    • Install WSS 2.0 without configuring it.
      setupsts /qb remotesql=yes
    • Create Windows user account
      net user ServiceAccountName password /add /expires:never
    • Add an Windows User to an Windows Local group
      net localgroup WindowsLocalGroup ServiceAccountName /add
    • Uninstall FrontPage extension using owsadm.exe which is in %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\50\bin
      owsadm.exe -o fulluninstall -p 80
    • Configure WSS 2.0 using stsadm which is under %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\bin
      •  Create an application pool for WSS
        stsadm -o setadminport -p 8080 -admapcreatenew -admapidname ApplicationPoolName -admapidtype configurableid -admapidlogin ComputerName\ServiceAccountName -admapidpwd Password
      • Create the WSS configuration database
        stsadm -o setconfigdb -databaseserver DatabaseServerName -databasename ConfigurationDatabaseName
      • Extend root web site to WSS virtual server and creating a new content database
        stsadm -o extendvs -url https://ComputerName -ownerlogin ComputerName\Administrator -owneremail EmailAddress -apidname ApplicationPoolName -databaseserver DatabaseServerName -databasename ContentDatabaseName
      • Remove a path from the list of paths managed by WSS.
        stsadm -o deletepath -url https://ComputerName  
  3. Visual Studio Hosted Experience
    This site provides the virtual labs for BizTalk server. You can get your feet using Windows Terminal Client after singing up.
  4. Virtual PC home
    You can download the Virtual PC trial version and install BizTalk you need without getting your productivity machine dirty.
  5. Developing ASP.NET application with Visual Studio .NET after installing WSS 2.0
    WSS 2.0 would install several web.configs, and those web.configs would change default web.config hierarchy and prevent you from creating and debugging your web applications.   You can find the detailed information about web.config which WSS 2.0 uses from the article "Exploring Windows SharePoint Services" by Thom Robbins.
    The following summarizes the above article.
    1. Delete the ASP.NET application url from the list of paths managed by Windows SharePoint Services. You can use "stsadm -o deletepath" command line.
    2. Add this configuration to web.config Visual Studio .NET would generate.

Thanks again