
Windows Forms Documentation Updates

We're the Windows Forms User Education team at Microsoft. We use this space to update folks on developments with Windows Forms docs, publishing doc updates before they're published. Feel free to ask us questions about WinForms, and we'll do our best to an

Implementing multi-column filtering on the IBindingListView

A couple of years ago, I a whitepaper about how to implement searching and sorting on the generic...

Date: 05/19/2008

DataGridView Watermark Cell

I returned from my end-of-the-year vacation to find the following reader comment in my inbox:> I...

Date: 01/02/2008

Client Application Services and WPF

Although my sample for Client Application Services (CAS) uses Windows Forms, you can adapt it to...

Date: 12/13/2007

Implementing the IBindingListView for filtering

Due to customer feedback and requests, I've been working on an article that demonstrates a simple...

Date: 12/07/2007

Filtering Code

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel;...

Date: 12/06/2007

DataGridviewAutoFilter sample updated

I've made a few bug-fixes to my DataGridViewAutoFilter sample, which is described in Building a...

Date: 12/05/2007

Client Application Services sample updated for Visual Studio 2008 RTM

I have updated my Client Application Services sample (previous posts here and here) to work with the...

Date: 12/04/2007

Client Application Services sample and walkthrough updated

Back in May, I posted an early version of my Client Application Services walkthrough, which was used...

Date: 09/27/2007

Tech-Ed Notes

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Acropolis and Windows Forms booth at Tech-Ed! Double thanks if...

Date: 06/11/2007

Client Application Services in Windows Forms: End-to-End Walkthrough Available

The Beta 1 release of Visual Studio Code Name "Orcas" includes a new feature called Client...

Date: 05/20/2007

What does "not supported" mean?

Periodically someone questions me about a caution that appears in all of the System.Drawing.*...

Date: 05/13/2007

Windows Forms and WPF Interop Docs

Now that interest in WPF is really heating up, we've been getting more inquiries about WinForms and...

Date: 05/10/2007

DataGridView Drop-Down Filtering Tip

Recently, a reader asked how to detect filter changes with the code in Building a Drop-Down Filter...

Date: 05/09/2007

It's a juggling act

If you are reading this blog post, it’s likely you saw Karl’s post highlighting some of the recent...

Date: 04/25/2007

Recent Windows Forms Documentation Updates

Since Visual Studio 2005 was released, we've received a fair amount of feedback on the...

Date: 04/20/2007

Windows Forms Reference Updates

The following .NET Framework managed reference types have been updated in the past several months....

Date: 04/20/2007

Maintaining position in a child table

I've recently written a document covering some changes to the CurrencyManager in .NET Framework...

Date: 02/06/2007

Extracting embedded images

Periodically we get questions about how to extract and use an image compiled as an embedded resource...

Date: 11/29/2006

Odds and ends from the world of design-time

I've fixed a couple of doc bugs that customers were rightfully complaining about. It will be awhile...

Date: 10/26/2006

Sharing data across forms with a BindingSource

I've seen a lot of questions posted in forums regarding how to use a BindingSource component to...

Date: 10/17/2006

New White Paper: Windows Forms 2.0 Data Binding Improvements

Yes - another white paper! We've been quite the busy beavers here in User Education. Cheryl Simmons...

Date: 08/04/2006

Retrieve <?xml-stylesheet> from RSS Feed using XmlDocument

So I'm trying to wrap up this white paper I'm writing on consuming RSS in Windows Forms. I wrote a...

Date: 08/02/2006

New White Paper: DataGridView Drop-Down Filter Lists

Are you spoiled by the AutoFilter feature in Excel? Do you want the same functionality in the...

Date: 08/01/2006

InPlaceHostingManager: Why Does AssertApplicationRequirements() Throw a TrustNotGrantedException?

As you may remember, InPlaceHostingManager is a part of the ClickOnce API that enables a .NET...

Date: 07/25/2006

Using the Microsoft Feeds (RSS) API from Windows Forms

Wim De Cleen has a great two-part walkthrough up on how to use the new Microsoft Feeds API to...

Date: 07/21/2006

New White Paper: Creating Smart Application Layouts in Windows Forms 2.0

My new Windows Forms white paper is now available on MSDN. It covers using ToolStrip as a navigation...

Date: 07/19/2006

SQL Server Express, Windows Forms, and ClickOnce

I'm working on a project that will be included in a white paper, and needed to use SQL Server...

Date: 07/13/2006

SQL Server Everywhere

Steve Lasker has a stream of information about this new technology. Start with his Info post and...

Date: 07/10/2006

Snaplines: Using CTRL Key to Snap in Windows Forms

I was just in a meeting and learned about a Windows Forms feature I previously knew nothing of. I...

Date: 06/22/2006

Hosting InfoPath 2007 Forms Editor in Windows Forms

Come on, you KNOW you wanna! Mike Talley from the Office User Assistance Team has the 411 on how to...

Date: 06/22/2006

How to Get a ToolStripItem from a Context Menu Click (Right-Click) with ContextMenuStrip

I wanted to display a hierarchical menu for my blog feed reader application. No nesting of...

Date: 06/20/2006

How to Data Bind to an RSS Feed (Blog Posts) in Windows Forms

RSS feeds are XML files that represent the current posts on a syndicated content channel, such as a...

Date: 06/14/2006

Can You Change the User Interface Language at Runtime in Windows Forms?

Someone asked that question recently on an internal alias. Michael Kaplan, one of our localization...

Date: 06/12/2006

How to: Respond to Font Scheme Changes in a Windows Forms Application

It's come to my attention that the topic How to: Respond to Font Scheme Changes in a Windows Forms...

Date: 06/12/2006

Script#: A New Way to AJAX

Apologies for the recent radio silence - I've been out of office due to a death in the family. I'll...

Date: 06/02/2006

Conflict Between ClickOnce and Kensington Mouseworks Causes ClickOnce Applications to Crash

The ClickOnce development team has just alerted us that the current versions of Kensington...

Date: 05/22/2006

Accessing the Unmanaged WebBrowser Control in Windows Forms

Lets say you're using the managed WebBrowser control in Windows Forms 2.0. At some point, you...

Date: 05/10/2006

Application Settings FAQ (Or, Everything You Wanted to Know about Application Settings, But Couldn't Find in the Docs)

If you missed it the first time out, check out Ragavendra Prabhu's Application Settings FAQ, which...

Date: 05/05/2006

Adding Custom My.Application Methods to C# Windows Forms Applications

In my last entry, I talked about how I loved extending My.Application in VB to create global methods...

Date: 05/01/2006

Why All My Windows Forms Programming is in Visual Basic Lately

In the Windows Forms documentation team, we need to be skilled in both C# and Visual Basic, as we...

Date: 04/28/2006

ClickOnce: How to Dynamically Detect Data Directory Between Debug, Release, and Publish

Dynamically Detecting the Data Directory My Slideshow control (which I discussed in a previous post)...

Date: 04/26/2006

ClickOnce: Installing FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 on IIS 6.0 for Publishing

In order to test some ClickOnce deployments today, I had to configure a new Web server to allow...

Date: 04/26/2006

Adding Glass to a Windows Forms App on Vista

Tim Sneath, Windows Vista tech evangelist extraordinaire, has a good post up on how to add a glass...

Date: 04/24/2006

Radio Buttons on a MenuStrip

Check boxes on menu items are nice, but sometimes you want to display options that are more complex...

Date: 04/24/2006

ClickOnce Identities: What They Are, Why You Should Care

I haven't written much in the ClickOnce docs about the concept of a ClickOnce identity. Recent...

Date: 04/20/2006

ClickOnce and Satellite Assemblies: Use ResourceResolve?

A while back, I wrote about how you can download satellite assemblies on demand in a ClickOnce...

Date: 04/17/2006

Using ToolStrip to Create a Custom Title Bar

Our current documentation on creating nonrectangular forms could stand some enhancement. The most...

Date: 04/07/2006

Using TableLayoutPanel to Create DHTML-Style Text Menu

I'm not a big fan of TableLayoutPanel. The control is very limited in what it can do given that the...

Date: 04/05/2006

Using the WebBrowser Control as a Powerful DHTML Editor in Windows Forms

As you may know, I love the WebBrowser control. You can do so many wonderful things with it. And one...

Date: 03/29/2006
