
Introducing Windows Server 2008 R2 - Free eBook

Introducing Windows Server 2008 R2 - Free eBook


Fantastic new book hot off of Microsoft Press covering Windows Server 2008 R2.


Excerpt from the book:


“This book is targeted primarily at Windows server administrators who are responsible for hands-on deployment and day-to-day management of Windows-based servers for large organizations.”


Chapter breakdown is as follows:


Chapter 1, “What’s New in Windows Server R2”

Chapter 2, “Installation and Configuration: Adding R2 to Your World”

Chapter 3, “Hyper-V: Scaling and Migrating Virtual Machines”

Chapter 4, “Remote Desktop Services and VDI: Centralizing Desktop and Application Management”

Chapter 5, “Active Directory: Improving and Automating Identity and Access”

Chapter 6, “The File Services Role”

Chapter 7, “IIS 7.5: Improving the Web Application Platform”

Chapter 8, “DirectAccess and Network Policy Server”

Chapter 9, “Other Features and Enhancements”


And best of all a free electronic version is available here: