Ranger Flash – July 2014 … Turbulent weather, events and lots of pizza
You can find the latest flight plan snapshot at aka.ms/vsarFlightPlan news
welcome our new associate ALM rangersPlease welcome the following new ALM Associate Rangers: Alex Belotserkovskiy, Daniel Mann, José Freire Neto and Sergio Romero. WELCOME! Remember family>job>rangers and have fun! interesting reads
willy’s cave
tell us about your success stories!Are you aware of a success story in which the Visual Studio ALM Rangers and/or their solutions have accelerated the adoption of Visual Studio, unblocked an engagement and/or resulted in a happy user? See Tell us about your success stories for details. review our (your) solutions!When you download one or more of our solutions please invest a few seconds to rate and optionally review the solution on CodePlex or the Visual Studio Gallery. We need your candid feedback and support in terms of ratings! |