Ranger Flash – April 2014
beta newsVersion Control guidance v3.BETA flight has landed delivering a crisper, more compact style, which is easier to consume on multiple devices without sacrificing any content. TFS on Azure IaaS guides have gone into final copy editing and will ship in the TFS Planning and DR Avoidance Guide v1.4.BETA release soon. what’s new?Create quality guide about Config as Code for DevOps and ALM practitionersflight has taken off! Watch the space for exciting news from this strategic adventure. welcome our new RangersPlease welcome the following new ALM Associate Rangers to our family: Barry Paquet, Georg Drobny, Jesper Fernström, Peter Oreland and Shawn McLean interesting reads
willy’s cave
quicklearn delivers remote trainingExploring ALM Solutions using TFS 2013 with QuickLearn Training techdays NLtell us about your success stories!Are you aware of a success story in which the Visual Studio ALM Rangers and/or their solutions have accelerated the adoption of Visual Studio, unblocked an engagement and/or resulted in a happy user? See Tell us about your success stories for details. review our (your) solutions!When you download one or more of our solutions please invest a few seconds to rate and optionally review the solution on CodePlex or the Visual Studio Gallery. We need your candid feedback and support in terms of ratings! |