Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers - Malcolm Hyson
This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. SeeRanger Index (Who is Who?)for more details.
I’m the CTO for Discover Technologies. I started working with Microsoft technologies in 1993 while serving in the US Air Force and finishing my degree in Computer Science. Since then I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of platforms in multiple engagements with a heavy focus on delivering solutions for clients within federal agencies.
What makes me tick?
I have always enjoyed working as part of a team to tackle objectives that no one person could complete. Outside of technology I have a passion for organized sports which I enjoy sharing with my wife and 2 children.
Where I live?
In Lorton, VA.
Why am I active in the Rangers program?
I’ve worked with TFS since its first release and have been routinely tasked to leverage the platform for both client and internal development activities. I am looking forward to having the ability to help shape future revisions of the product based on feedback received from the field.
What is the best Ranger project I have worked on?
I haven’t had a chance to participate in a Ranger project yet but I am looking forward to joining an effort in the near future.