
Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – João Paulo Rodrigues

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. SeeRanger Index (Who is Who?)for more details.

Who you are?PE_20130919182121

My name is João Paulo Rodrigues.

I’ve been working for Microsoft Portugal in MCS as a Consultant since 2000.

I was assign to several local big projects:

  • Multi-Channel frameworks for several financial institutions
  • Identity management solutions
  • Services framework for the largest IPTV provider in Portugal

What makes you “tick”?

In every project I was involved (since they were generally core mission critical business applications) the need to achieve high quality outputs was a must.

I did always tried to use the technology available to automate/register process/methods to achieve it: first, simple scripts to build and install solution… Then, when TFS was launched, achieving a more integrated application life cycle management.

Actually, in the Services framework for the largest IPTV provider project, I spent most of my time ensuring that the software factory is running as expected:

  • Performing code reviews
    • To educate a constantly changing team from the client
    • To ensure the artifacts are produced with the expected quality
  • Ensuring that automated test is performed
  • Automating as possible the deployment process to minimize manual errors

Basically, ensuring that the continuous integration process is a work in progress and evolving!
Many of the processes I’ve implemented so far were inspired by IP generated by the Rangers: branching strategies, ….

Where you live?

I live in the beautiful city of Lisbon in Portugal.

I’m married and have an eight year old daughter.

Why are you active in the Rangers program?  

TBD … come back later.

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

TBD … come back later.