
Download a New Browser and Help Feed the Hungry

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I sure wish I’d known about this sooner..

If you haven’t yet downloaded Internet Explorer 8, here’s a great opportunity to acquire some fantastic software and help out some folks less fortunate than we are in the bargain.

If you download Internet Explorer 8 from https://www.browserforthebetter.com, Microsoft will donate eight meals to the Feeding America campaign. Furthermore, if you’re replacing IE6, Microsoft will double its donation to sixteen meals. This is all part of Microsoft’s support of Hunger Action Month.

So, if you’ve been putting off your evaluation of IE8, there’s really no further reason to do so; if you can find time to download the browser this month, you’ll have a great browser on your PC, and you’ll have helped some folks who need it in the bargain.

Sure sounds like a win-win situation to me. Do I work for a great company, or what?

Go get it, even if you don’t need it!


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