
Support Tip: Event IDs 19104 and 19105 are logged when publishing and unpublishing App-V 5.0 packages

~ John Behneman | Senior Support Escalation Engineer

imageHello everyone, John Behneman here again, this time with a tip on an issue I saw recently in Microsoft Application Virtualization. When publishing or unpublishing an App-V 5.0 package you may notice that the following Event IDs are generated in the Microsoft-AppV-Client/Admin event log on an App-V 5.0 client.

Event 19104:
Part or all packages publish failed.
published: 0
failed: 2
Please check the error events of 'Configure/Publish Package' before this message for the details of the failure.


Event 19105:
Part or all packages un-publish failed.
un-published: 0
failed: 2
Please check the error events of 'Unpublish Package' before this message for the details of the failure.

This can occur if the following directories are being redirected to a remote file share:

- %APPDATA% \ Microsoft \ AppV \ Client \ VFS
- %LOCALAPPDATA% \ Microsoft \ AppV \ Client \ VFS

To avoid these errors, those directories must be available on a local volume for each user that logs into the computer running the App-V 5.0 client (see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj713463.aspx)

John Behneman | Senior Support Escalation Engineer | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division

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